Tag Archives: France


Manhunt in France for racist serial killer as four shot dead in Jewish school


A gunman on a scooter shot “at least” four people outside a Jewish school in Toulouse, killing three children and an adult. Authorities believe the shootings are linked to the recent killings of three French soldiers nearby. President Sarkozy suspended his election campaign in reaction to the attacks.


A man on a scooter shot three French paratroopers near their barracks in Montauban, killing two and wounding the other. Counterterrorism police are investigating, and troops in southwest France have been told not to wear uniforms outside the base. Another soldier was killed nearby two days ago.


As Powers Maneuver, Israel Says No Decision Yet to Attack Iran


Europe Weighs Implications of Shrinking US Troop Presence


Iran currency plunges 10% as US strengthens sanctions


France passes genocide bill, angry Turkey cuts ties