Tag Archives: France


Two Muslim organizations, the Algerian Democratic Union for Peace and Progress (RDAP) and the Organisation of Arab Union, are suing a French satirical magazine for €780,000 in costs and damages stemming from the publication of cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed on Sept. 19. The lawsuit accuses the publisher and cartoonists of defamation and stirring up […]


Police arrested a Muslim convert in Albi and his former partner in Toulouse; both are suspected of serving as accomplices to Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah. The investigation is ongoing and other accomplices are being sought.


German Weapons Exports on the Rise as Merkel Doctrine Takes Hold

Al Qaeda

Inside Jabhat al Nusra – the most extreme wing of Syria’s struggle


US Is Weighing Stronger Action in Syrian Conflict


UN poised to offer Palestinians ‘non-member observer’ status


Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine jailed since 1984 for the murders of a US military attache and an Israeli diplomat, was paroled. The US ambassador criticized the decision, and the French government has filed an appeal.


Denmark – Foreign minister pledges support to Syrian opposition


France became the first Western nation to recognize the Syrian National Coalition as the sole representative of the Syrian people. The French defense minister said France and Europe would not intervene militarily in Mali with either ground or air forces. France is moving two of its unarmed surveillance drones from Afghanistan to Africa.


Souad Merah, the sister of Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah, is being investigated for “glorifying terrorism.” Her brother Abdelghani Merah, who wrote a book castigating the family’s culture of anti-Semitism and racial hatred, taped his sister saying she was proud of Mohamed’s actions and that she and another brother, Abdelkader, “support[ed] the Salafists, who are the […]


NATO members need to step up, says UK defense minister