Tag Archives: France

Analysis: Al Qaeda central tightened control over hostage operations

Several months before his death in May 2011, Osama bin Laden ordered al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb to stand down with respect to hostage negotiations. The terror master said he would negotiate with France concerning AQIM’s hostages. Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s spokesman recently confirmed that he still answers to al Qaeda central.


The French Intervention in Mali Could Take Longer than First Thought

Shabaab executes French hostage Denis Allex

Denis_Allex.jpg“With the rescue attempt, France has voluntarily signed Allex’s death warrant,” the terror group said in an official statement. Shabaab later announced he was executed. The French intelligence agent has been held by Shabaab since July 2009.


President Hollande said France’s goals in Mali were: “stop[ping] the terrorist aggression… making Bamako safe… and enabling Mali to recover its territorial integrity.” The French force in Mali is now about 800 troops and will be built up to 2,500. French troops will be used in the second phase of the operation, expelling Islamists from […]


The defense minister said the military intervention in Mali was “developing favorably.” The foreign minister said the intervention would last a “matter of weeks” and that the French had no intention of staying in Mali. France has deployed about 550 troops to Bamako, the capital, and Mopti. The al Qaeda-linked MUJAO threatened retaliation against French […]


Britain ‘could help train Malian army’, says minister


Analysis: Mali – one African war France could not avoid


Security was heightened in France after the French military began helping to repel the Islamist advance in Mali. The Islamist militants warned that France would pay a price for its intervention in Mali. President Hollande said France would not give in to “terrorist blackmail.” The Foreign Ministry stepped up security in Mauritania, Niger, and the […]


French forces launched an airstrike in central Mali to assist the Malian army repel the advance of al Qaeda-linked fighters. European soldiers landed by transport airplane in Sevare, near the city of Mopti. French citizens have been advised to leave Mali.


Three Kurdish women, including a cofounder of the PKK, were killed in Paris. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a former head of the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions, will be freed from prison provided he is expelled from France. Abdallah received a life sentence in 1984 for the Paris murders of a US military attaché and an Israeli […]


Mali crisis paving way for militant attacks on France: judge


The top antiterrorism judge warned that French Muslims from Africa have “found their jihad” in Mali, and said authorities are currently investigating four Malian terrorist cells, most involving dual nationals. He also said that the Internet has enabled female jihadists to take on a full role.

Al Qaeda

Sahel security global threat, 8-14,000 Jihadists now in Mali, region, to double in year: Study

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda group: France endangers hostages by intervening in Mali