Shabaab targets Italian troops in Mogadishu with suicide bombing
Today’s suicide bombings marks one of the first times European Union troops have been targeted by Shabaab.
Today’s suicide bombings marks one of the first times European Union troops have been targeted by Shabaab.
After Paris attacks, EU leaders call for more sharing of information, intelligence
Stockpiles of firearms found in European anti-terror raids
Exclusive: Paris attack suspect met prominent al Qaeda preacher in Yemen – intelligence source
European Union to set up expert cell to fight jihadi propaganda: report
EU court takes Hamas off terrorist list
Nigerian troops win back cities from extremists
EU foreign policy head Mogherini set for key Turkey talks
EU calls for global push against ISIS in Kobane
EU antiterrorism chief Gilles de Kerchove on IS threat
Europe needs to coordinate its anti-jihadist measures
French call for action on Libya unlikely to have military results say Italians
Fighters listed as ‘terrorists’ help US in battle against ISIS in Iraq
Antisemitism on rise across Europe ‘in worst times since the Nazis’
Senior Kosovo Liberation Army Guerrilla Leaders Tied to Acts of Persecution After Civil War
Who controls Syria’s oil?
Exclusive: US discloses secret Somalia military presence, up to 120 troops
Hollande: 30 French nationals killed in Syria
EU targets Western jihadists on radical websites
NATO extends Somali counter-piracy mission to 2016
Central African Republic’s Seleka rebels reorganize
Acting Libyan Interior Minister’s accusations astound Europeans
Terror training in Syria makes attack on UK ‘inevitable’
EU launches Central Africa military operation
Graft charges test West’s ties to Somali leader
Timbuktu waits for peace dividend
Morocco, EU partner against terrorism
Jihadists Returning Home to Europe from Syria Pose New Terror Threat
EU warns about threat Syria foreign fighters
European envoys back on road to Damascus