Tag Archives: Egypt


Overnight airstrikes in North Sinai reportedly killed 7 militants. A senior military officer said the the Sinai Peninsula was under the “complete control” of Egypt’s army. Authorities reportedly arrested seven Ansar Jerusalem members in Cairo and Qaliubiya.

Militants kill police officers in Cairo and Alexandria

A senior police officer was assassinated in Cairo, and another officer died in a clash with militants near Alexandria. The Pentagon plans to deliver Apache helicopters to Egypt to help “counter extremists who threaten US, Egyptian, and Israeli security.”


A bomb placed under a car in Cairo killed a senior police officer. Near Alexandria, a shootout between security personnel and wanted militants left one police officer dead as well as a militant. Three members of Ansar Jerusalem were allegedly killed during clashes with security personnel yesterday in North Sinai. A probe into the February […]


Gunmen opened fire overnight on a bus transporting soldiers in North Sinai. Gunmen also opened fire on security personnel in Nasr City; no injuries were reported. Defense Minister Sobhi praised the country’s security forces for their efforts. The Interior Minister recently said that Ajnad Misr is an offshoot of Ansar Jerusalem and was formed by […]


Two policemen were killed by gunmen near Cairo. Security sources alleged that al Qaeda’s Ayman al Zawahiri has been communicating with Muslim Brotherhood leaders to arrange the transfer of arms to jihadists in Egypt. Authorities arrested 18 Muslim Brotherhood members and jihadists on suspicion of inciting and planning attacks.


Ajnad Misr took responsibility for three recent bombing attacks in the Cairo area. Al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri said that the Egyptian army should be fought. The army said 11 wanted militants were arrested in operations in North Sinai. A Muslim Brotherhood leader was sentenced to one year in prison for insulting the judiciary.


A small bomb went off near a military checkpoint in Fayoum. Ajnad Misr yesterday released a video detailing some of its attacks since November. Security forces used teargas to disperse a number of Muslim Brotherhood protests throughout the country. A weapons smuggler was reportedly arrested in North Sinai. A police officer was killed and another […]


Sharm el-Sheikh hotels empty as tourists fear violence


Mogadishu Security Declines As Armed Forces Stretched Outside Capital


A Cairo court will soon examine whether Ajnad Misr should be considered a terrorist organization. Overnight, a bombing attack wounded at least one security person in North Sinai. In Giza, three security personnel were wounded in a bombing attack. Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a tribal leader known to be supportive of the army.


Port dubbed ‘Cathedral of the Mafia’ to host transfer of Syria chemical weapons


A bomb was thrown at a police checkpoint in Cairo, wounding at least two. A security source said a person arrested in connection with the attack was a member of Ajnad Misr. A policeman was killed overnight by gunmen in North Sinai. President Mansour called for greater “public dialogue” on proposed anti-terrorism legislation. Security sources […]


The Muslim Brotherhood denied that it is moving its headquarters from London to Austria. An alleged Al Nusrah Front fighter was arrested for planning to carry out attacks in Egypt. The army said three Islamist militants were killed and four others arrested in operations in North Sinai. The army plans to use newly acquired armored […]


An alleged leader in Ansar Jerusalem was killed by Egyptian security forces in North Sinai. State media reported that two Muslim Brotherhood members were killed in a shootout with security forces in the Nile Delta. Authorities managed to defuse an explosive device in the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid. Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said […]


Ansar Jerusalem released a video detailing its December suicide car bomb attack that targeted the Daqahliya security directorate. Egyptian officials said they were preparing a dossier to show Muslim Brotherhood involvement in major terror attacks in Egypt. Prime Minister Mahlab “issued a formal decision” that will allow authorities, based on a recently approved anti-terrorism law, […]


Four Islamist militants were reportedly killed overnight by locals in North Sinai. Security sources said 24 militants were arrested in operations in North Sinai. A Russian military delegation arrived in Cairo for talks with their Egyptian counterparts.