Tag Archives: Egypt


Egypt police find huge weapons cache in Sinai


Egypt sees Iran ‘on a surge™ in Arab world

Al Qaeda

Supreme Guide of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Discusses his Admiration for Bin Laden


Egypt jails Muslim Brotherhood’s top leadership – Middle East Times


Egyptian authorities are searching for two men suspected of planning a terror attack against tourists in the peninsula. Two Sudanese men are believed to have crossed the Egyptian-Sudanese border to carry out the attack.


Hunt on for suspected terror duo planning attacks in Egypt


A cargo vessel under contract to the US Navy opened fire on a small boat in the Suez Canal after it failed to obey multiple warning steps and continued to approach the vessel at a high rate of speed. One man was killed and three others injured in the ensuing gun fire.


Egyptian authorities destroyed six underground tunnels used to smuggle weapons between Egypt and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Egyptian police shot a Sudanese man on the Israeli border when a group of migrants ignored their orders to stop and made a run for Israel. Egypt is trying to persuade Hamas to accept a truce that would […]


Egypt has begun construction of a 10-foot-high concrete wall on the border with Gaza to prevent Palestinians from entering the country. Egyptian police detained 26 Muslim Brotherhood Islamists, including three leading members of the ruling Guidance Office.


Egyptian police hold leading Islamists in crackdown


Egyptian police arrested 40 members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood movement. Egyptian police shot and killed an Eritrean women trying to sneak across Egypt’s border into Israel on Saturday. Egyptian and Jordanian officials demanded that Israel “put an end to its military operations which claim innocent civilian lives” in the Gaza Strip.


Plans to mount a new fence along the Israeli-Egyptian border may take five years to implement and will cost at least $1.37 billion to construct. The Israeli government remains divided over Egyptian plans to send more troops to the Gaza-Egyptian border. Less than a week after Egypt lost two-thirds of its international networking cables, two […]

Al Qaeda

Major Jihadi Cleric and Author of Al-Qaeda’s Shari’a Guide to Jihad Sayyed Imam vs. Al-Qaeda


Egyptian security forces arrested 12 armed Palestinian terrorists on suspicion they were planning to attack Israeli tourists in the Sinai. Ten of men were arrested while crossing into Egypt at the Rafah entry point. Two of the Palestinians were members of Hamas, two were members of Islamic Jihad.


Egyptian security forces broke up two terror cells operating in the Sinai Desert. One cell was “comprised of five Palestinians in possession of explosives belts,” while another “crossed into Egypt with maps that pinpointed information on IDF bases along the border and the magnitude of forces stationed at each base.”


Israel, Egypt discuss solution for Gaza border breach


Egypt: Women of the Muslim Brotherhood rebel