Tag Archives: Egypt


An alleged Muslim Brotherhood member was killed in Cairo when a bomb he was carrying to attack police exploded as he was riding a motorbike. Gunmen attacked security forces near the Sheikh Zuwaid Police Station in North Sinai but were repelled when security forces opened fire on them. A bomb exploded as a military convoy […]


Hamas denies ISIS presence after Gaza jihadist killed in Syria


A Cairo court labeled Ajnad Misr (Soldiers of Egypt) as a terrorist group, and blamed it for a number of attacks on security officials, including one at Cairo University in April. Security officials claimed that Shadi el Manei, a top leader of the Sinai-based terror group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, was killed along with three […]


Algeria considers Egypt alliance to confront Libyan terror threat


Interior Minister Ibrahim announced that security services had foiled terrorist plans to target the president, the defense and interior ministers, police force leaders, and other officials. Authorities have closed the border with Libya for security reasons. A criminal court convicted former president Hosni Mubarak of embezzlement, sentencing him to three years in prison; his sons […]


How the army is taking revenge against Islamists in Libya


A court sentenced 126 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to jail terms of 10 years. A gunman wounded two security force conscripts at a camp in Daqahliya.


Presidential candidate Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for US support and equipment to help Egypt fight terrorism. The Army seized 15 tons of bomb-making material from two locations in al Quantara, a town that straddles the Suez Canal. Security forces defused three IEDs at a checkpoint in Giza. Gunmen opened fire on a police car in […]


Unidentified attackers torched the car of the chief prosecutor in Malhalla. Student supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with police outside Al-Azhar university in Cairo. The Sinai-based jihadist group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem) released a video calling for jihad against “the Jews, the Christians, the polytheists, the apostates, the Rawafidh [Shi’ites] and the […]


Christians persecuted at alarming rate in Iran, Arab world, US report says


The chief prosecutor’s office accused 200 members of the Sinai-based jihadist group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem) of terrorism, conspiracy with al Qaeda and Hamas, fighting and training in Syria, and carrying out 51 attacks including suicide bombings. The group also allegedly cut a deal with former president Mohamed Morsi to refrain from attacks […]


Ansar Bayt Maqdis claimed two suicide bombings that killed a soldier and wounded at least eight people on May 2 near Sharm El-Sheikh. Gunmen killed a retired senior army officer in al-Arish.

2 suicide bombers strike in South Sinai

If Ansar Jerusalem takes credit for today’s suicide attacks, it would be the group’s first claimed attack since bombing a tourist bus in Taba in mid-February. In addition, the two bombings would be the fifth and sixth suicide attacks by the jihadist group since September 2013.


The army said three members of Ansar Jerusalem were killed and three more militants were arrested in operations in North Sinai; officials said two of those arrested were related to an Ansar Jerusalem founder who died last month. A Muslim Brotherhood leader said mass death sentences will pave the way for the downfall of Cairo’s […]


Egypt’s Minya province flashpoint for Muslim-Christian violence


Authorities arrested Yasser Mehrez, the spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, who has been on the run for the past 10 months. Two people were killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of former president Morsi in Fayoum. Police clashed with Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Beni Suef.