Tag Archives: Egypt


Gaza crisis: how the game has changed since Egypt’s tabling of ceasefire plan


Palestinians Find Show of Support Lacking From Arab Leaders Amid Offensive


Turkey, Qatar involved in Gaza ceasefire negotiations: Hamas politburo member


Suspected Islamist militants killed 21 Egyptian soldiers in Wadi al-Gadid near the borders with Libya and Sudan; two militants were killed in the clash. Egyptian security sources are concerned that Libya-based militants are cooperating with Islamist militants in the Sinai. Security forces turned back an aid convoy of 11 buses and 500 activists that was […]


Hamas homemade rocket industry bypasses crumbling supply lines


ISIS defector speaks of life inside brutal jihadist group


Islamist militants launched a mortar attack on a military post in El Arish, killing seven civilians and a soldier and injuring a child. Three bombs exploded near a Cairo electricity pylon, briefly cutting off power in a western suburb. Egyptian officials are concerned about the presence of Islamist militant camps in Libya near the Egyptian […]


Two people were killed and three were wounded in clashes between residents and Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Cairo’s Matariya district. Hundreds of pro-Brotherhood supporters of former president Morsi also clashed with police in Alexandria and Giza. Authorities briefly opened the Rafah border crossing yesterday to allow in Palestinians injured by Israeli airstrikes to enter Egypt […]


Hamas unveils bigger, better rocket arsenal against Israel


The trial of former president Mohamed Morsi and 130 others, including Muslim Brotherhood leaders Mohamed Badie and Khairat al-Shater, as well as members of Hamas and Hezbollah, most of whom are at large, was postponed to July 13. Four suspected Islamists were killed while making bombs on July 4 at a Fayoum farm owned by […]


Egypt’s president says al-Jazeera journalists should never have been tried


A court sentenced 10 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death (eight in absentia) for murder and other crimes; and issued life sentences to 37 others, including supreme guide Mohamed Badie. Sheikh Yusef al Qaradawi, a Qatar-based spiritual leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, said the Islamic State’s recent declaration of a caliphate violates sharia law.


The military claimed it killed 17 jihadists in clashes in the Sinai and arrested three more in Rafah. A bomb exploded at the Sidi Gaber train station in Alexandria, wounding at least five people. On the one-year anniversary of the ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood supporters staged protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Asiut, […]


Security forces arrested four members of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem) in the Cairo suburb of Helwan and in Nasr City over links to explosions on June 30 that killed two bomb disposal experts; the bombings have been claimed by another group, Ajnad Mir. A car bomb exploded near the Air Force hospital in […]


In separate incidents, two police officers were killed while trying to defuse two bombs in Cairo near the presidential palace. The terrorist group Ajnad Mir claimed the explosions, saying it had warned civilians on June 27 not to go near the palace. Ajnad Mir also said the explosions were caused by “newly developed” devices that […]


Tribal sources in Sinai said that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is supporting the operations of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Bayt al Maqdis (Ansar Jerusalem), local jihadists have been trained in Syria, and the ISIS flag has been seen in militant operations near Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah. Security forces killed at least […]


News Analysis: Kerry visit signals breakthrough in US-Egypt ties


A court upheld death sentences against Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie and some 182 followers. Many of those sentenced were tried in absentia, and their sentences are invalidated if they surrender to authorities or are arrested, in which case retrial is ordered. The charges included sabotage, terrorism, and murder. The defense plans to appeal. Badie […]


Three al-Jazeera journalists could be jailed for up to 15 years