The military said it would continue its offensive against Islamic militants in the Sinai Peninsula; Salafist groups said that the offensive had been called off. President Morsi promised to respect Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel.
The military said it would continue its offensive against Islamic militants in the Sinai Peninsula; Salafist groups said that the offensive had been called off. President Morsi promised to respect Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel.
Egypt Leader Said to Reach out to Sinai Radicals
Israel wants Egypt’s Islamist president to visit
New Egypt leader steps out on world stage seeking “balance”
Gaza not liveable by 2020 barring urgent action: UN
Egypt reached a ceasefire agreement with radical Salafist organizations in the Sinai peninsula. President Morsi proposed a new peace initiative for Syria. Egypt’s attorney general referred an anti-Islamist lawmaker for investigation.
An Egyptian court convicted 76 people for the attack on the Israeli embassy last year; 75 of those convicted received a suspended one-year sentence. A presidential delegation met with Islamist extremists in Sinai in an apparent attempt to broker a deal over militant attacks.
Egypt reopened a border crossing with Gaza, signaling improved relations with Hamas. Egypt has closed 120 smuggling tunnels across the border as part of the recent military operations in Sinai.
With a sneer, Egypt TV host challenges Islamists
Crowds rallied in Cairo, Alexandria, and elsewhere to protest the power of Egypt’s new president and his party, the Muslim Brotherhood. A crowd of about 1,000 protesters in Alexandria was attacked by a mob with sticks and knives; several people were injured. President Morsi outlawed the pretrial detention of a newspaper editor who had been […]
The chief editor of a private Egyptian newspaper was jailed for insulting President Morsi and “spreading lies.” The newspaper has criticized Morsi’s party, the Muslim Brotherhood. Last month, Egypt’s Shura Council, which is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, reshuffled editorial posts at some 50 state-owned news outlets.
Egypt’s Islamist president to visit US next month
Israel deploys anti-rocket battery near Egypt border: army
Egypt to send aircraft and tanks into Sinai: sources
Egypt evolving along with Morsi’s relationship with military
Egypt’s government planned to cut the powers of the country’s judicial system. Hamas said it would cooperate with Egypt to restore order in the Sinai peninsula. Hamas arrested members of Salafist groups in Gaza.
Egypt president to visit Iran, a first in decades
In Paper, Chief of Egypt Army Criticized US
Organisers of first Syria protest – where are they now?
An Islamic militant group warned Egypt not to send its army into Sinai to hunt jihadists. Egypt’s new second-in-command of the military has said US troops should leave the Middle East.
Egypt’s Islamists Accused of Stifling the Media
At Islamic conference, Egypt’s Morsi calls for regime change in Syria
Al Qaeda supporter Muhammad Mahmoud has recruited German and Austrian Salafists to set up a “colony” in Egypt.
What’s it mean that an Islamist rules Egypt?
President Mohamed Morsi’s firing of military leaders was interpreted as a political strategy. The US said it was not surprised by the reshuffle. Egypt reopened its border with Gaza. An Egyptian court sentenced 14 people to death for an attack on a police station in North Sinai last year.
Egypt’s Morsi ’empowered’ by army shake-up
Insight: Mimicking al Qaeda, militant threat grows in Sinai
Egypt’s newly elected president fired a number of military leaders, including the defense minister and army chief of staff, and appointed new leaders. He also suspended a constitutional decree that had given the military authority to govern. Egyptian forces continued their attacks against militants in the Sinai.
Egyptian prank show exposes anti-Israeli sentiment
Egypt and US Step Up Talks on Security Assistance