Egypt, Not Libya, May Be Bigger Challenge for White House
Egypt, Not Libya, May Be Bigger Challenge for White House
Obama Says Egypt Neither Ally Nor Enemy
Ideological Struggle Seen in Middle East Attacks
Anti-Islam film protests spread across Middle East
Another protest turns violent outside US Embassy in Cairo
‘Innocence of Muslims’: Mystery shrouds film’s California origins
Egypt Copts to protest against ‘Islam insult’ film
Modern communication fans the flames of religious attacks
Salafist crowds chanting “We are Osama” and protesting an anti-Islam film on YouTube climbed the walls of the US Embassy in Cairo on Sept. 11, taking down the US flag and replacing it with al Qaeda’s; security forces did little to intervene. Mohamed al Zawahiri, brother of al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri, claimed he […]
And in Cairo, Islamist protesters climbed the walls of the US embassy, took down the American flag, and raised the al Qaeda flag in its place. The two attacks, which occurred on Sept. 11, are the first such attacks on US diplomatic facilities in Egypt and Libya.
Egyptian protesters scale US Embassy wall in Cairo
Egypt’s Liberals Try to Unite
MEMRI has published excerpts of Al Jazeera’s interview with Mohamed al Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s emir. Mohamed al Zawahiri justified 9/11 and al Qaeda’s terrorism in general during the interview. An Egyptian military court acquitted him earlier this year.
In Sinai’s tangled web of alliances, death is the new diplomacy
How Islam’s Ancient Sectarian Divide Fuels Conflict in the Middle East
Egypt has been coordinating operations with Israel during its campaign in Sinai against Islamic militants. In the operation so far, Egyptian forces have killed 32 “criminal elements” and arrested 38 more, and shut down 31 tunnels connecting the Sinai and Gaza. The Egyptian army said there are 225 main tunnels into Gaza.
In Egypt, a backlash against harassment
In his first foreign policy speech, President Morsi called on Syrian president Assad to step down and warned Iran against interfering in Arab affairs. In the Sinai, the Egyptian army began replacing heavy tanks with lighter armored vehicles, signalling that the operation against Islamic militants had entered a new phase.
Islamists installed in Egypt state institutions
US nears deal for $1 billion in Egypt debt relief: source
Family Life According to the Muslim Brotherhood
Egypt and US near deal on debt relief
For the first time on Egyptian state television, a woman wearing a head scarf presented the headline news, breaking a longstanding rule requiring secular dress. Debate arose over whether this was part of an effort by Egypt’s new president to encourage a more Islamic Egyptian society.
Egypt’s sexual harassment of women ‘epidemic’
In a continued shakeup of its military, Egypt’s new defense minister retired 70 army generals as well as members of the former ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The move followed last month’s firing of the defense minister and army chief of staff.
Morsi’s bold debut strikes a chord in Egypt and the US
Egypt broadened its offensive against militants in the Sinai Peninsula. Security forces captured a militant responsible for attacks last year on a police station and a bank in the Sinai Peninsula. President Morsi said Syria’s Assad regime must go.
Iran urges nonaligned nations role in Syria
At border with Egypt, Hamas sees opportunity
On his first trip to Iran, President Morsi called for Syrian President Assad to step down, and hinted that Egypt might take a more active role in the conflict. Morsi also warned Iranian President Ahmadinejad that Iran’s continued support for the Assad regime raises the risk of of Western intervention.