Tag Archives: Egypt


The Egyptian Army in northern Sinai thwarted an attempt to smuggle rockets into Gaza. Demonstrations were held in Cairo denouncing alleged rigging of the constitutional referendum. Egyptian judges began investigating the allegations.


As Egypt Constitution Passes, New Fights Lie Ahead


Egyptian voters approved a new constitution, preliminary results showing 64% voted in favor. Opposition groups claimed election fraud and said that they would continue their protests. An opposition coalition said it would form a single political party.


Egyptian Vote on Constitution Sets Up New Stage of Factions’ Struggle


Egypt held its final round of voting on a draft constitution. Egypt’s Vice President announced his resignation. President Morsi appointed 90 members to the 279-member Shura Council.


Al-Azhar mosque at heart of concerns over Islamist turn in Egypt


In Islamist Bastion, Support Ebbs for Egypt’s Brotherhood


Demonstrations over Egypt’s new constitution turned violent. Supporters and opponents in Alexandria hurled stones, injuring 58 people. Police fired tear gas and wielded batons to separate the groups.


Egypt’s chief public prosecutor, appointed by President Morsi and forced to resign earlier this week by opposition protests, retracted his resignation. The controversy further heightens tensions between Muslim Brotherhood groups and the opposition ahead of Egypt’s second round of voting for a new draft constitution.


US treads warily as political turmoil in Egypt drags on


A top elections official overseeing the referendum on a draft constitution resigned. Islamist groups planned a mass protest ahead of the second round of the referendum this weekend.


Opponents resumed protests over a draft constitution. Egypt’s public prosecutor, appointed by President Morsi, resigned.


Tunisia: Islamists lose popular trust


Egypt’s judges moved to boycott the second round of voting in the constitutional referendum. Opposition leaders called for protests on Tuesday over alleged polling violations in the first round.


In the first of two rounds of voting, Egyptians voted in favor of a new constitution pushed by Islamist factions. Egypt’s main opposition coalition alleged vote rigging.


Referendum on constitution reveals a deeply divided Egypt


Egyptians went to the polls to vote for a new constitution. New Islamist groups are emerging in Alexandria, including Hazemoun, the Third Islamist Current, and the Salafi Front.


A guide to what is next for Egypt after the constitutional vote


As Egypt Prepares To Vote, Only One Side Seems Organized


Supporters and opponents of President Morsi staged rallies ahead of Saturday’s referendum on a draft constitution. Demonstrations became violent in Alexandria.


‘Insulting religion’: Blasphemy sentence in Egypt sends a chill


The National Salvation Front opposition alliance called for a “no” vote on the upcoming referendum on a draft constitution. Egyptians abroad began voting. Protests by both supporters and opponents of President Morsi continued in Cairo and across Egypt.