Tag Archives: Egypt


Authorities arrested four suspected jihadists near Alexandria. The government decided to withdraw its annual funding for the country’s Jewish community. President Morsi said he hopes to see the kidnappers of the seven security personnel, who were recently freed, arrested. Authorities seized a variety of weaponry including rockets destined for the Gaza Strip.


Authorities secured the release of seven security personnel who were kidnapped last week by Islamist gunmen in the Sinai. Following their release, authorities reopened the Rafah crossing with Gaza. Hamas congratulated Egypt on securing the release of the security personnel. Jihadists attacked an Egyptian army outpost in the Sinai for approximately 15 minutes.


Authorities increased the number of roadblocks in the Sinai as an operation to free seven kidnapped security personnel could be launched at any moment. Family members of those kidnapped joined a police protest in Rafah. The alleged death of one Islamist militant in the Sinai via airstrike was denied by security officials. Authorities announced the […]


President Morsi said authorities have no plans to negotiate with the Islamists who kidnapped seven security personnel in the Sinai last week. In response to the kidnapping, the army sent reinforcements into the Sinai. Conscripts in the Central Security Forces went on strike to protest the kidnapping of the security personnel. A police camp in […]


A video purporting to show seven kidnapped Egyptian security personnel was released to the Internet. The seven men were abducted by Islamists in the Sinai earlier this week. Authorities in Egypt are planning an operation to secure their release. Two journalists known for their criticism of President Morsi will soon face trial.


President Morsi called for a military operation in the Sinai to secure the release of seven hostages recently abducted by Islamist gunmen. A large combat force is expected to enter the Sinai in the next 48 hours. A leading Salafist condemned the Muslim Brotherhood for not implementing sharia law and for working with Shia Muslims.


Authorities closed the Rafah crossing with Gaza in response to the kidnapping of seven security personnel by Islamist gunmen on May 16. A senior Hamas official called on Egypt to open the crossing. Due to the situation in the Sinai, the international peacekeeping force in the area has been put on a state of alert.


Islamist gunmen kidnapped seven security personnel in the Sinai and demanded the release of imprisoned Islamists. In response to the kidnapping, Hamas increased its state of alert along Gaza’s border with Egypt, while Egyptian authorities destroyed a number of smuggling tunnels.


The state news agency MENA said an al Qaeda-linked plot disrupted over the weekend had targeted the embassies of the US and France in Cairo. The motive given for the planned attack on the French embassy was the French military intervention in Mali. Three suspects have been arrested; the three Egyptians had escaped from prison […]


Egyptian imam slams hardline TV fatwas for spreading hatred


Gamaa Islamiyya called on the US to delist it as a terror organization. The group also called for the release of Omar Abdel Rahma, the blind Sheikh. A tribal leader in the Sinai said the security situation may lead to the Bedouin forming their own army to secure the area.


Wild rumours of Hamas interference in Egypt find audience


The Interior Minister announced the arrest of three members of an al Qaeda-linked cell that was said to be planning a suicide attack on a Western embassy in Egypt. At least one member of the cell had traveled to Iran and Pakistan for military training. Privately Egyptian officials said the target was the US embassy. […]


The Muslim Brotherhood organized a demonstration in Cairo against Israel. During the protest, demonstrators chanted, “The people want destruction of Israel.” Salafists called on President Morsi to wage “a holy war in Palestine, Syria, Mali, and Afghanistan.” Following a trip to the US, an April 6 Youth Movement member was detained by Egyptian authorities.


An American citizen was stabbed near the US embassy in Cairo. Authorities discovered a cache of weaponry in the South Sinai. Two senior Muslim Brotherhood officials failed to show up for a speaking engagement at a Washington, D.C. think tank; their current whereabouts are unknown.


An alcohol seller was gunned down by men believed to be Islamist militants in the Sinai. Unidentified gunmen kidnapped four contractors in the Sinai. A cabinet reshuffle is expected to affect 11 ministers, but it is unlikely to meet opposition calls for a complete overhaul.


Security forces clashed with a group of Islamists outside the National Security headquarters near Cairo. The protesters were seen waving black al Qaeda flags and wrote on the gate of the headquarters, “We are all Osama Bin Laden.” Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris returned to Egypt following a self-imposed exile.


Mozilla furious as disguised spyware used against pro-democracy activists


A blogger and activist known for criticizing President Morsi was detained by authorities. Authorities destroyed a large smuggling tunnel used to smuggle cars and other goods near Rafah. A weapons smuggling attempt through the Sallum terminal was also thwarted.