Tag Archives: Egypt


Iran’s Ayatollahs Blame Morsi’s ‘Pro-Israeli, Pro-US’ Stance For Egypt Crisis

Jihadists denounce attacks by Egyptian army in Sinai

Al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya denounced the Egyptian army for firing on protesters in the city of el Arish in North Sinai last Friday. In addition, a statement posted to jihadist forums announced the establishment of the Brigades of Abdullah Azzam in Egypt.


Sources: Sabbahy has persuaded the Salafis to support ElBaradei as PM


Salafist Party Asserts Role in Egypt as the Brotherhood Teeters


A security officer was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Sinai. Authorities are reportedly preparing to launch a major operation in the Sinai “to clean it up from terrorist and criminal cells.” Eleven militants were arrested following an attack on a checkpoint near el Arish. Unidentified assailants attacked a gas pipeline between Jordan and […]


IDF on Sinai border: Security coordination with Egypt continues despite political upheaval


Jihadists continued to launch attacks against security posts in the Sinai. Prominent Sunni cleric Yusuf al Qaradawi issued a fatwa calling on Muslims to support ousted former president Mohammed Morsi. Gunmen shot dead a Coptic priest in the Sinai. Egypt’s president backed away from named Mohammed el Baradei as prime minister.


Egypt Crisis Finds Washington Largely Ambivalent and Aloof


Egypt’s Christians face arson, beatings, and forced conversions amid upheaval

Ansar Jerusalem claims new rocket attack on Eilat

Ansar Jerusalem issued a statement today claiming that it fired two rockets toward the southern Israeli city of Eilat yesterday. Rockets were last fired toward Eilat in April by the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem.


A post on the Muslim Brotherhood’s website claimed that Egypt’s new interim president Adli Mansour is secretly Jewish. At least 17 people were killed in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and opponents. Jihadists attacked a number of security posts in the Sinai. The army denied that a curfew had been instituted for two Sinai towns. […]


Israel Sees Prospect of a More Reliable Egypt and a Weaker Hamas


Egypt crisis live: Clashes break out as Islamists vow to stay on the streets


Prominent Egyptian Liberal Says He Sought West’s Support for Uprising


Islamists flay Egyptian ‘coup,’ Brotherhood attempts at democracy


Egypt crisis: why coup against the Muslim Brotherhood may not be the end for political Islam


Adly Mansour, Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in as the new president of Egypt. Authorities have reportedly issued some 300 arrest warrants for Muslim Brotherhood leaders. President Obama ordered a review of US aid to Egypt following Morsi’s ouster. Four alleged Hamas members who were purportedly planning a terror attack were […]