Tag Archives: Egypt


The interim prime minister said the government is backing away from plans to dissolve the Muslim Brotherhood. Sources alleged that perpetrators, including Hamas members, of the recent execution of over 20 policemen in the Sinai have been arrested. Hamas denied that any of its members were arrested. A suicide bomber attacked a police station in […]


In Egypt’s Sinai, rising militancy threatens peacekeeping force


A wanted member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed el Beltagy, accused the Egyptian army of killing over 20 policemen in the Sinai to take the focus away from their actions. Prime Minister el Beblawi said the Muslim Brotherhood must come to terms with the current reality in the country. Militants continued to carry out attacks […]


Egypt’s police state resurgent in Sinai tourist haven


The trial of 64 leaders and members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Gama’a al-Islamiya wanted in connection with inciting violence and attacks on churches began in Suez. At least two bombs were set off in the Sinai by Islamist militants. Authorities continued to arrest members of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership. Leaders from Egypt’s Gamaa Islamiya […]


Egypt Widens Crackdown and Meaning of ‘Islamist’


The trial against a number of senior Muslim Brotherhood officials began. Authorities arrested an Islamist militant close to Mohammed al Zawahiri on suspicion of providing weapons to supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi. Hamas denied reports that it was operating training camps with the MB in Gaza. The army announced the arrest of five militants […]


Clashes between Islamist militants and Egyptian security personnel continued in the Sinai. The leader of al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya said the group does not intend to return to its violent past. Authorities relaxed the curfew recently instituted as part of the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood.


Protests organized by supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were said to have had a low turnout. Prior to the protests, security forces had reportedly tightened security measures. Authorities destroyed a couple of homes tied to smugglers nears the border with Gaza. Sinai-based jihadists threatened to carry out attacks against security personnel, while the army claimed […]


A love, hate relationship: Al-Nour and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood


Former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak was placed under house arrest after being released from prison. Supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi called for protests against the army on Friday. Authorities reportedly detained a number of Bosnian terrorists who were planning attacks in Cairo. Unidentified gunmen attacked a radio building in el Arish.


A court ordered the release of former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. The prosecution in the case against Mubarak said it had no plans to appeal. An amended version of the Egyptian constitution was given to the presidency for review. Authorities arrested a number of Egyptians and Palestinians wanted in connection with recent attacks in the […]


Ravaged churches reveal sectarian split feeding Egypt’s violence


Security forces arrested the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, overnight. Following Badie’s arrest, the MB appointed Mahmoud Ezzat as the group’s temporary leader. The army announced the arrest of 11 terrorists, two of whom are Palestinian, in the Sinai.


Insight: Egypt’s political strife puts Christians in peril


At least 24 policemen were executed today by Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula. Shortly after the attack, the Rafah crossing with Gaza was closed. Judiciary sources suggested that former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak could be freed from prison this week. Authorities announced the arrest of three individuals wanted in connection with recent attacks in […]