Tag Archives: Egypt


Unidentified gunmen shot and killed two Egyptian soldiers in the Sinai. Two additional soldiers were killed by an IED explosion in the Sinai. Authorities continued their operations against Islamists militants in the Sinai, which on Sept. 7 killed or wounded around 30. Ansar Jerusalem claimed credit for the recent assassination attempt on Interior Minister Mohammed […]


Egypt shutting economic lifeline for Gaza Strip, in move to isolate Hamas


Security sources said that the Egyptian army undertook a massive operation in the Sinai against Islamist militants. Former president Morsi is facing new charges of insulting judges. An IED exploded at a Cairo police station. Authorities suspended service on the Suez-Ismailia railway line after three mortars were discovered on the track. A flight from Cairo […]

Salafi jihadists hold public march in Gaza denouncing Assad and el Sisi

Salafi jihadists in the Gaza Strip recently held a rare public demonstration in the Gaza Strip denouncing the Assad regime as well as the Egyptian military’s takeover. In addition to numerous al Qaeda black flags, demonstrators held pictures of Bashar al Assad and Abdel Fattah el Sisi with text calling the two leaders “murderers and killers.”


Egyptian Government Crackdown Produces More Militants in Sinai


Sinai’s St. Catherine’s Starves, Monastery Shuts Down


Islamists have taken over the southern city of Dalga, which has a population of 120,000, of whom 20,000 are Christian. Clashes between security forces and supporters of former president Morsi left at least two people dead. Leading Muslim Brotherhood member Mohsen Rady, the former head of the Culture and Information Committee at the People’s Assembly, […]


A bomb exploded in the Cairo district of Nasr City, an Islamist stronghold, narrowly missing Interior Minister Ibrahim shortly after he left his home; 22 people were injured by the blast, including 10 police officers and a child. After the attack, in which gunmen also strafed his vehicle, Ibrahim warned of more terrorist attacks; Islamists […]


Al Salafiyya al Jihadiyya again accused the Egyptian army of lying about operations in the Sinai, and praised ‘the mujahideen’ for fighting the Egyptian army. Gunmen killed a clan chief in the Sinai who was said to be supportive of the army. A police officer was shot dead in a revenge killing in Aswan.


Army operations in the Sinai reportedly killed at least eight Islamist militants. Eleven supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi were sentenced to life in prison for attacking the army. A court ordered the closure of a number of television stations, including Al Jazeera, and one tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.


The Muslim Brotherhood announced plans for new protests in the days ahead. At least two civilians were wounded when a bomb was thrown near a police station in Cairo. Two Islamists militants, possibly tied to the MSC in Jerusalem, wanted in connection with the recent killing of more than 20 policemen and rocket attacks on […]

Al Qaeda

Insight: As Obama blinks on Syria, Israel, Saudis make common cause


The public prosecutor announced that former president Morsi will be tried for inciting violence. Authorities destroyed a number of homes near Gaza as a ‘prelude’ to the possible construction of a buffer zone with the Hamas-controlled coastal enclave. A top jihadist recently arrested in the Sinai admitted to being responsible for the recent killing of […]

Top jihadist reportedly arrested in Sinai

A day after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant called on Egyptians to wage “jihad” against the army, a top jihadist wanted in connection with the recent killing of over 20 policemen in the Sinai was arrested.


Suicide Bombing Shakes Sinai Amid Security Crackdown


The Egyptian army announced the arrest of dozens of “takfirists” and “criminal elements” in the Sinai. One of those arrested in the Sinai, Adel Mohammed (Adel Habara), is said to be a top militant wanted in connection with the recent killing of over 20 policemen. A police officer on patrol in the Sinai was reportedly […]


Security forces arrested eight Muslim Brotherhood members wanted in connection with recent attacks in the Sinai. Supporters of former president Morsi held protests in Cairo; turnout was said to be low. Despite the low turnout, at least six people were reportedly killed in clashes.


Eyewitness: Sinai attackers used ambulance car bomb


Security forces killed two militants and arrested 16 others in el Arish. Foreign Minister Fahmy said the country opposes foreign intervention in Syria and has no plans to participate in impending strikes against the country. Government ministers defended the decision to prevent Qatar-backed al Jazeera from operating in Egypt. Authorities announced the arrest of senior […]