Tag Archives: Egypt


An explosive device struck a military vehicle in the Sinai and injured four soldiers. Authorities continued to target Islamist militants operating in the Sinai. Egypt’s central bank announced that it had received a deposit of $2 billion from Kuwait.


Jordan Islamists denounce Egypt’s brotherhood ban


Authorities raided a village near the Giza pyramids in search of those responsible for the August killing of 15 policemen in Kerdasa. The Palestinian ambassador said the ongoing security situation in the Sinai is stalling the reopening of the Rafah crossing with Gaza. The Muslim Brotherhood said it has moved its media office to London. […]


Security forces continued to target Islamist militants operating in the Sinai and destroy smuggling tunnels along the border with Gaza. The Ibn Taymiyyah Media Center, a jihadist media unit, called for attacks against the army. An Egyptian court banned all Muslim Brotherhood activities and ordered the seizure of assets tied to the Islamist group. Foreign […]


Security forces continued to target Islamist militants in operations in the Sinai. The army’s spokesman said the army does not plan to nominate or support a specific candidate in presidential elections. Student supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were arrested for partaking in protests.


The Youth Movement of Tawhid and Jihad in Egypt in a recent statement declared war on the US and said the Egyptian army is simply an arm of the US. The army reportedly agreed to revise in absentia sentences for over 600 Sinai residents. Authorities continued operations in the Sinai against Islamist militants, while two […]


Militants attacked a bus belonging to security personnel traveling in Rafah. Security forces were said to be hunting down Muslim Brotherhood supporters after taking over the town of Kerdasa. Clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters were reported in a number of cities. The navy allegedly fired upon refugees trying to flee the civil […]


At least one police officer was killed during clashes between militants and security forces in the town of Kardasa. Authorities reportedly arrested 51 people in Kardasa. The country’s cabinet announced plans to shorten the country’s curfew by two hours beginning Saturday. Egypt returned $2 billion that Qatar had deposited in the country’s central bank. 15 […]


Authorities partially reopened the Rafah crossing with the Gaza Strip, which had been closed after two suicide car bombings in the Sinai. Gama’a al Islamiya said that it is opposed to attacks on Egyptian security forces. A military court sentenced five Palestinians to a year in prison for trying to illegally enter Egyptian territorial waters.


Sinai peacekeepers under siege as Egypt battles Islamists


Authorities reportedly arrested Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el Haddad. Operations against Islamist militants in the Sinai continued. The army’s spokesman said operations in the Sinai will continue until they are completed. Israeli officials met with their Egyptian counterparts to discuss the security situation in the Sinai. A court ordered the freezing of assets tied to […]


Authorities retook the town of Delga from Muslim Brotherhood supporters who had attacked the Christian community in the town since taking it over in July. Unidentified gunmen targeted a security checkpoint in North Sinai. At least nine policemen were injured when a bomb targeted their bus in the Sinai.

Egyptian army claims successes as jihadists allege ‘massacre’

The Egyptian army announced that recent operations in the Sinai have led to the arrests of numerous “terrorist elements” as well as the seizure of a variety of weaponry. A leading Sinai jihadist group contended, however, that a recent army operation killed seven civilians, including four children.


The army’s spokesman said operations in the Sinai will continue. The spokesman also said that 309 militants have been arrested in the Sinai in recent months. Authorities said they foiled a plot by militants in Gaza to attack Egyptian forces. The trial of a journalist known for covering the Sinai was postponed until Sept. 18.


Authorities continued their campaign against Islamist militants in the Sinai. A pro-Morsi alliance accused the army of launching a “genocide” in the Sinai. The detention of former president Morsi was extended for another 30 days. Morsi supporters held a number of demonstrations throughout the country. Authorities reportedly thwarted an attack on ships traveling through the […]


Egypt army in major push to eradicate Sinai militants


A group calling itself Jund al Islam took credit for the recent suicide car bomb attacks in the Sinai. Two policemen were injured after unidentified gunmen attacked their vehicle in Qaliubiya. Fourteen security personnel on trial for the killing of protesters in Suez in 2011 were acquitted. The presidency said it is extending the state […]


Two suicide car bombs were used in attacks in the Sinai that left at least six dead. Ansar Jerusalem, a jihadist group in the Sinai, said in a new statement that ‘it is obligatory’ to fight the Egyptian army. An army prosecutor said that a journalist known for reporting in the Sinai was aiding Islamist […]


A tribal leader in the Sinai expressed concern over reports of the creation of a buffer zone between Egypt and Gaza. Clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security forces in the northern Sinai left at least one dead. Authorities claimed to have killed nine Islamist militants during ongoing operations in the Sinai. As part of […]


Egyptian security forces continued their latest operation against Islamist militants in the Sinai. During the operation, authorities reportedly destroyed six smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza. A security source warned that Ansar Jerusalem’s recent claim of responsibility for the assassination attempt on Interior Minister Ibrahim could be ‘misleading.’ Nabil Naim, a founder of Egyptian Islamic […]