Tag Archives: Egypt


Egypt now fighting ‘an enemy it doesn’t know’ as attacks by militant cells rise


At least one person was killed during clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security forces in the Nile Delta province of Sharqia. Clashes also took place in the city of Alexandria, where protesters marked 100 days since the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi. At least six soldiers were wounded by IEDs in Rafah.


In Egypt, a campaign to promote an ‘Egyptian Islam’


A suicide bomber in the Sinai killed four security personnel at a checkpoint. The army claimed to have arrested those behind the Oct. 7 suicide bombing in South Sinai that was claimed by Ansar Jerusalem. The army also announced the seizure of drugs and weapons near the border with Libya. A foreign ministry spokesman said […]


Some Egyptian Islamists on haj pray for victory against generals


Special Report: The real force behind Egypt’s ‘revolution of the state’


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing on the South Sinai Security Directorate in el Tor. Interim President Adly Mansour provided authorization for the army to fully mobilize beginning in November. During a surpise visit to Sharm el Sheikh Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim criticized security forces at a checkpoint in Dahab. A military intelligence […]


Pakistanis of all faiths protect churches with human chains


The Army said operations “to cleanse the Sinai of terrorism” continue. Authorities seized weapon caches and arrested suspects linked to recent attacks in the Sinai. Gunmen killed a policeman in Port Said. Cameras may be installed at tourist sites to help deter attacks by Islamist militants. The interim government revoked the permit for the Muslim […]


At least two people were killed and over 40 injured after a suspected suicide bomber targeted a security building in the Sinai. Six security personnel were killed in an attack near the Suez Canal. RPGs struck communication satellite dishes in Cairo. The airport in Cairo was put into a state of emergency as a result […]


At least 28 people were killed in clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. In several separate incidents, seven people were killed in clashes between security forces and terrorists in the Sinai. Authorities arrested 25 people purportedly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood who were accused of possessing explosives at a metro station.


Ancient monastery closed to visitors amid Sinai unrest, but Bedouin neighbors protect it


Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with security forces and opponents. Two suspects believed to be behind the killing of two army conscripts near Ismailia were arrested. Some 100 Palestinians planning to travel to the Hajj were turned back by Egyptian authorities over security concerns. An army official claimed that authorities have destroyed 1,055 smuggling […]


Islamists called for renewed protests against the army on the anniversary of the 1973 war with Israel. A Muslim Brotherhood statement compared the army’s rule to that of Adolf Hitler. Authorities defused a bomb found near a gas station in Sharm el Sheikh. Security sources alleged that Egypt may target sites in the Hamas-controlled Gaza […]


The Muslim Brotherhood said it has no plans to backtrack on its call for the reinstatement of Mohammed Morsi as the country’s president. A member of Gama’a al Islamiyya was arrested in the possession of a shotgun and al Qaeda flag in Minya.


Authorities arrested two Palestinians wanted in connection with attacks on security personnel in the Sinai. Policemen in el Arish requested increased protection and better equipment after a spate of killings in the area. Three police officers were wounded after a roadside bomb exploded in the Sinai. An appeal of the decision to ban the Muslim […]


The al Furqan Brigades released video of recent shooting attacks against “criminals” and “apostates.” Unidentified gunmen shot and killed at least six security personnel in attacks in the Sinai. A court upheld a one-year sentence for former Prime Minister Hisham Qandil. Security forces allegedly arrested a ‘top jihadist’ operating in the Sinai.


Ansar Jerusalem released video of some of its recent attacks in the Sinai. An Egyptian soldier was killed by a sniper while on duty in the Sinai. An army spokesman called on the media to coordinate with the army when they report about it. The Salafi Nour party said it was opposed to a constitutional […]


Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a policeman in the Sinai, while Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed with residents of Alexandria. Three people were arrested in connection with recent attacks on security forces in the Sinai. Authorities arrested four more people linked to the August killing of a number of policemen in Kerdasa.