Tag Archives: Egypt


The army claimed to have killed three Islamist militants and seized a variety of weaponry during operations in North Sinai. Security forces clashed with supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo. Authorities requested that INTERPOL help arrest Assem Abdel-Maged, a leading member of Gama’a al Islamiyya who has reportedly fled the country.


The al Furqan Brigades claimed responsibility for a number of recent shooting attacks on Egyptian security personnel. Three Islamist militants were reportedly killed during operations in North Sinai. Authorities dispersed an authorized protest in Cairo. The army received a variety of weaponry from residents in the country’s western region, including Grad rockets. The committee working […]


More than 200 people were arrested for participating in illegal protests. President Mansour said he would consider pardoning the Islamist women recently sentenced for protesting in support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Authorities reportedly arrested a main suspect in the killing of national security officer Mohammed Mabrouk. Authorities discovered a number of mines and mortars near […]


In Egypt, university campuses emerge as the latest battleground


A court in Alexandria sentenced 14 alleged female Muslim Brotherhood members to prison for 11 years. During raids in North Sinai, the army seized a variety of weapons. The government reached an agreement with the EU for a €90 million aid package. The army released footage of some of the homes targeted in operations in […]


Three wanted Islamist militants were killed in North Sinai, including a man known as the “Sheikh of the Takfiris.” Authorities reportedly exposed a Mossad espionage ring. Prime Minister Beblawi says he considers the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. Authorities said they were investigating the disappearance of an Egyptian-born German author and critic of Islam. Security […]


Egypt takes aim at Brotherhood’s foreign backers


At least two police officers were wounded when a bomb exploded near a checkpoint in Cairo. Authorities dispersed a rally in Assiut province that defied a new protest law. Defense Minister el Sisi said operations continue in the Sinai against terrorist elements. Prime Minister el Beblawi said a referendum on the country’s constitution would likely […]


Security forces closed off main squares in Cairo and Giza to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from carrying out large-scale protests. The army denied that gunmen had attacked the headquarters of the Arish Military Prosecution. A bill that places some restrictions on the ability of citizens to assemble and protest was signed into law by President […]


A gag order was imposed on a number of high profile cases including one involving former president Mohammed Morsi. A military source denied reports that a grad rocket was fired from the Sinai toward Israel. Influential cleric Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi described the current government in Egypt as “thugs who kill people and steal their […]


A factory linked to the army was attacked near Rafah. Two people were detained in connection with the recent killing of a police officer, while army operations continued in North Sinai. At least three were killed during clashes throughout the country. A top Muslim Brotherhood figure was arrested in North Sinai. Security forces increased measures […]


Egypt’s ‘Muslim Sisterhood’ moves from social work to politics


A policeman was shot and killed while trying to arrest suspects in the recent assassination of a senior national security official in Cairo. In Ismailia, a police officer was also shot and killed. Security forces claimed to have arrested nearly 30 suspected terrorists during operations in North Sinai. Militants fired a mortar at an olive […]


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the recent shooting attack on a national security officer in Cairo. The Salafi jihadist group also released a video about its October attack on the South Sinai Security Directorate. A car bombing in North Sinai killed at least 11 Egyptian security personnel, and four security personnel were wounded in an […]


During operations in the Sinai, authorities seized weaponry and arrested wanted criminals. Security sources claimed to have arrested two people tied to the Oct. 19 bombing of a military intelligence building in Ismailia. At least 12 people were injured during protests on the anniversary of the Mohamed Mahmoud clashes. Security forces in North Sinai were […]


Authorities said “Islamic jihadists” were behind the killing of an officer from the Interior Ministry on Nov. 17. The Christian community is reportedly afraid to complain to the government about the continuing attacks on churches; there have been over 74 attacks since June 30. Protesters took to Tahrir Square in Cairo to protest against the […]


Exclusive: John Kerry Defies the White House on Egypt Policy


A former official alleged that ousted president Mohammed Morsi had been in contact with jihadists in Africa, in particular Mali. A security officer who was monitoring Muslim Brotherhood activity within the national security sector was shot and killed in Nasr City. A roadside bomb in Sinai injured three security personnel.