Tag Archives: Egypt


The army spokesman said forces killed a member of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis during operations in North Sinai. Defense Minister el Sisi said operations “to eradicate terrorism and cleanse the Sinai” will continue. An explosive device went off in a residential area of eastern Cairo. A policeman was shot and killed during clashes with Islamist […]


Egyptian Christians Bridle at Prison Terms for Copts Only in Fatal Clash


Egyptian forces reportedly intensified their campaign to find Ansar Bayt al Maqdis and al Furqan Brigades members in the Ismailia area. Army operations in North Sinai also continued. Defense Minister el Sisi reiterated his call for tribes in Sinai and Upper Egypt to hand over their weaponry. Supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi said they […]


The army said security forces killed another terrorist who was involved in recent attacks in North Sinai. Overnight an explosion was heard in the Rafah area. Two students were wounded after gunmen opened fire on an army vehicle near a school in Sheikh Zuweid. Authorities thwarted an attempt to detonate a bomb near a police […]


Egypt’s revolution brings little to underdeveloped Sinai


Ansar Jerusalem said it supported continued protests at Egyptian universities. Security forces killed an Islamist militant near Sheikh Zuweid after he threw a grenade, and seized a stockpile of explosive materials near Rafah. Officials said that many of those involved in the Ismailia bombing have been identified and will be arrested soon. A referendum on […]


Interior Minister Ibrahim ordered an investigation into the recent attack outside a security forces camp in Ismailia. Two members of the Muslim Brotherhood were detained near Suez on charges of inciting violence. At least two people were killed during clashes between security forces and supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi.


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood turns to sisters in fight against state


A bomb attack near a security forces camp in Ismailia killed at least one person and wounded more than a dozen. A military source said operations in the Sinai since July have resulted in 164 deaths and 592 arrests. Sources also said Ansar Jerusalem sought to carry out more suicide attacks and was in touch […]


The army’s spokesperson claimed security forces arrested a senior member of Ansar Jerusalem. Senior Muslim Brotherhood officials denounced the interim government during their latest court appearance. Authorities have reportedly destroyed Hamas arms caches in North Sinai in recent months. Eleven Qatari citizens were reportedly arrested at an al Jazeera office in Cairo.


Security forces thwarted an attack on a checkpoint near el Arish, and arrested two Muslim Brotherhood members suspected of inciting violence and financing terrorist operations. The Interior Ministry denied reports that Interior Minister Ibrahim had received a two-year prison sentence. Security forces clashed with Muslim Brotherhood supporters at al Azhar University.


Security sources alleged that members of Ansar Jerusalem have fled to Gaza and Mersa Matruh. The Army spokesman said security forces killed a leader of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis in North Sinai. Members of tribes in the country’s western region continue to voluntarily hand in weapons. The Salafi al Nour party claimed that the Muslim […]


A court acquitted over 150 people arrested during clashes with security forces in October. The army’s spokesman said security forces managed to thwart two suicide attacks in North Sinai. Security sources claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood’s Khairat al Shater gave Mohammed al Zawahiri $15 million to give to Ramzi Mowafi to buy weapons for Sinai […]


Security sources alleged that some Sinai jihadists have recently fled to Gaza. Police used tear gas to disperse protests between supporters and opponents of former president Mohammad Morsi. A number of Sinai tribes announced an initiative to hand over weapons to the army without conditions.


A Sinai tribal figure said there are some 1,000 al Qaeda-linked fighters in Sinai, some of whom are foreigners. The Azazmeh tribe organized a conference in North Sinai in support of the army’s operation in the area against Islamic militants. Authorities are investigating the presidential pardons that were granted under former president Mohammed Morsi. The […]


The brother of the leader of Ansar Jerusalem said “it is possible” the group is tied to al Qaeda. US officials said AQAP is in regular contact with jihadist groups in the Sinai. Authorities claimed to have foiled two terror plots in Rafah and el Arish. A Salafi jihadist leader, Tawfid al Afny, was reportedly […]


Authorities are reportedly probing whether former president Mohammed Morsi had conspired with jihadists in Egypt. A police assistant was shot and killed near Port Said. President Mansour is expected to approve the country’s draft constitution. Ansar Jerusalem recently released video of some of its recent attacks against Egyptian forces in North Sinai.

Ansar Jerusalem: ‘The war has yet to start’

In its latest video, Ansar Jerusalem showed footage of the Nov. 20 car bombing in North Sinai that killed 11 Egyptian security personnel. The video also video featured a clip from former al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi.


Ansar Jerusalem announced the death of three of its fighters, including a commander. Authorities defused a car bomb on the Cairo-Suez desert road. A roadside bomb in North Sinai nearly struck a convoy of military vehicles. Security sources claimed that much of Sinai’s eastern region has been cleared of Islamist militants and that those remaining […]