Tag Archives: Egypt


A high-level security official said 70 policemen have been killed in North Sinai since June 30. The army spokesman announced the seizure of a weapons cache in North Sinai. A court banned protests at universities without a permit, while 139 pro-Morsi protesters received two-year prison sentences. Authorities arrested three reporters affiliated with al Jazeera.


At least four security personnel were injured in a bomb attack outside a military intelligence headquarters in Sharqiya province; security sources suggested the attack was a car bomb. The army said operations in North Sinai resulted in the destruction of four smuggling tunnels and arrest of three terrorists. Authorities defused a bomb at al Azhar […]


At least one protester was killed during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters al Azhar University in Cairo. Human Rights Watch called on the Egyptian government to reverse its decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Authorities managed to defuse a bomb on a bus in Heliopolis. The army spokesman […]


Security sources said they managed to identify the suicide bomber behind the recent attack in Mansoura. The Interior Ministry said the recent bombing in Nasr City was aimed at security personnel. At least three people were killed and more than 260 arrested during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. The Muslim Brotherhood said […]

Ansar Jerusalem does not have a Twitter account

The Sinai-based jihadist group had issued a statement in October denying the existence of any social media accounts tied to the group. The account mentioned by Egyptian media outlets itself notes on multiple occasions it is unofficial.


As 2014 dawns, Israel keeps a nervous eye on regional jihadist groups


At least five people were wounded when a bomb exploded near a bus in Cairo. Security sources claimed there is an alliance between Ansar Jerusalem, the al Furqan Brigades, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Gamaa Islamiyya said the government’s decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group opens the door to violence. Unidentified gunmen […]


Egypt Brotherhood may radicalise after terror listing


The Muslim Brotherhood was declared to be a terrorist organization by the interim government. Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the Dec. 24 suicide bombing in Mansoura that killed more than a dozen. The army spokesman said authorities thwarted a plot, allegedly involving a Hamas member, to target a security post in Sinai. Authorities reportedly arrested […]


Egypt designates Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group


At least 12 people were killed and more than 100 injured in a bombing at a security building in Mansoura. The Interior Ministry said preliminary investigations suggested the attack was a suicide car bombing. Mansoura residents attacked property linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, while political bodies blamed the Brotherhood for the attack. Overnight a roadside […]


Egyptian Christians living in fear of kidnap and torture


Exclusive: Assad’s secret oil lifeline: Iraqi crude from Egypt

Bombing in Mansoura leaves at least 12 dead, 130 injured

The attack comes a day after Ansar Jerusalem said its fighters were prepared to “do jihad against” members of the security forces who do not repent and leave their positions. The number of wounded is the highest in a single attack since the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi in early July.


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai in recent months had resulted in the death of 184 terrorists, a quarter of whom were said to be foreigners. The spokesman further said that 803 people had been arrested as part of the operations in North Sinai. Ansar Jerusalem called on members of the security forces […]


The army spokesman said security forces operating in North Sinai killed four terrorists, including a leader in Ansar Jerusalem. Forces also reportedly arrested four terrorists trying to flee to the Gaza Strip. Authorities jailed three figures known for their roles in the 2011 uprising against the Mubarak regime. A recent Hamas rocket launch landed in […]


An explosive device went off overnight near a military vehicle south of el Arish. A day after major clashes with Ansar Jerusalem fighters, authorities imposed a curfew for a number of villages near Rafah. Al Gamaa al Islamiya said it plans to oppose the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum. Former president Mohammed Morsi and over 125 […]


Egyptian security forces raided the village of al Mahdiya in North Sinai after a tip indicated that Ansar Jerusalem leaders were in the area. Major clashes ensued and at least two soldiers were killed along with three militants, according to the army spokesman. Sources said recently arrested Sinai militants had been found with weapons with […]


An suicide bomber reportedly blew himself up near Cairo as he was trying to escape arrest. A police recruit was killed in Port Said when unidentified gunmen opened fire on security forces. At least six Sinai Bedouin have been killed by unidentified gunmen in the past two days. A militant recently killed in Ismailia was […]


Former president Mohammed Morsi and 35 others were charged with conspiring with foreign groups, including Hamas and Hezbollah, to conduct terror attacks in Egypt. The public prosecutor also accused the Muslim Brotherhood of carrying out attacks in North Sinai against security personnel since Morsi’s ouster. Defense Minister el Sisi met with some Sinai-based leaders, while […]