Tag Archives: Egypt


The army spokesman said One terrorist was killed, and nine others arrested in North Sinai operations. Security sources said Egypt plans to undermine Hamas’ rule in the Gaza Strip in the coming years. At least 11 people were killed during clashes as the country began voting in its constitutional referendum.


Unidentified gunmen, possibly locals, killed five suspected terrorists and wounded two others in North Sinai. Two additional terrorists in North Sinai were killed when an explosive device they were carrying exploded. Dozens of new agencies called on authorities to release recently arrested al Jazeera reporters. Interior Minister Ibrahim said security forces are prepared to use […]


Supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi clashed with security forces at three Cairo universities. The army spokesman announced the destruction of 10 smuggling tunnels in the Rafah area in North Sinai. Authorities reportedly arrested a person who was in possession of explosive materials in Alexandria. In North Sinai, authorities arrested three terror suspects.


Defense Minister el Sisi said he would run for president if he believed it was the will of the people. Sisi urged Egyptians to vote in the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum. At least seven suspects were arrested during security operations in North Sinai. A suspected terrorist was arrested near Ismailia in the possession of four […]


The army spokesman announced the arrest of a number of individuals, including a weapons smuggler, in North Sinai. The spokesman also said that four people were arrested with arms and an explosive belt in Ismailia. Six Palestinians who entered Egypt illegally from Gaza were arrested near Rafah. At least three people were killed during clashes […]


Growing Opium Is All the Sinai Bedouins Have Left


Authorities arrested an alleged member of the al Furqan Brigades as well as two Palestinians found with photos of Hamas’ Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades on their computers. At least four explosive devices in North Sinai were defused. Courts sentenced 113 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to multi-year prison sentences, while an Egyptian-born American was arrested […]


The army spokesman announced the arrest of a 12-year-old suspected of aiding terrorists in North Sinai. The spokesman said children are being used to monitor army movements in the area. The trial of former president Mohammed Morsi was postponed due to bad weather. A fighter jet crashed in the Dakahlia governorate during a training exercise.


Security forces arrested two Palestinians illegally entering Egypt through tunnels from Gaza. Explosive devices targeted armored vehicles near el Arish and Rafah. Influential Qatar-based cleric Yusuf al Qaradawi issued a fatwa banning participation in Egypt’s upcoming constitutional referendum. Army Chief Abdel Fattah el Sisi is said to be planning to run for president. A police […]


Hamas’ fortunes slide with change in Middle East neighbors


Security forces in el Arish thwarted attempts to detonate four explosive devices targeting security personnel. Authorities also reportedly arrested an Ansar Jerusalem member linked to the group’s October South Sinai attack. The US State Department urged US citizens to avoid travel to North Sinai. Security was increased at churches around the country. An Islamist alliance […]


The Muslim Brotherhood, Back in a Fight to Survive


One soldier was killed and two others wounded when an IED exploded in North Sinai. Three people believed to be responsible for the attack were arrested. Authorities defused an explosive device found near a government building in North Sinai. The government said it planned to confront the Muslim Brotherhood with “full force.”


At least eleven people were killed during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Four soldiers were wounded by explosions targeting armored vehicles near Sheikh Zuweid. Two civilians were killed by unidentified gunmen in mysterious circumstances in North Sinai. A Swiss couple was found murdered at their home in a Red Sea resort.


Ansar Jerusalem announced the deaths of a fighter and preacher, and threatened revenge attacks. Interior Minister Ibrahim identified Tawfiq Mohammed Freij Ziada as an Ansar Jerusalem leader and accused the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas of carrying out hostile acts. Authorities defused seven explosive devices in Tanta in the Nile Delta. In North Sinai, one terrorist […]


The army arrested 10 terrorists in North Sinai operations. Prosecutors began investigating the overnight gas pipeline attack. The head of the South Sinai General Intelligence Service was killed in a car accident. Al Azhar plans to start a satellite channel that will aim to counter radical and terrorist ideologies. At least two people were killed […]


Egypt’s Christians pray for peace after months of unrest


Interior Minister Ibrahim said 90% of those behind the Mansoura attack have been arrested. North Sinai security forces defused a roadside bomb. Authorities increased security around churches in Cairo and Giza in preparation for the New Year. A former Muslim Brotherhood official said Ansar Jerusalem and the al Furqan Brigades are branches of the Brotherhood. […]


Egyptian presidential advisor: Brotherhood ideology a crime against society