Tag Archives: Egypt


Unidentified assailants detonated explosives along a pipeline in North Sinai. The army spokesman said three militants were killed in the latest operations in North Sinai. Policemen were shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in Ismailia as well as Port Said. Police claimed to have arrested the perpetrator the October car bombing in Ismailia, which Ansar […]


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai had resulted in the arrest of 37 militants. Jihadists who have returned from Syria were reportedly being targeted in operations in North Sinai. Six people suspected of carrying out attacks in Sharkiya against policemen last week were detained. Shadi el Menai of Ansar Jerusalem has reportedly entered […]


The army spokesman said raids in North Sinai resulted in the death of three militants and arrest of 10 others. The spokesman also said the total number of militants killed in Friday’s airstrikes in North Sinai was now 20, with 70 injured. Security forces in Ismailia reportedly thwarted a suicide bombing attack at a Central […]


The army spokesman said overnight airstrikes killed 16 terrorists in North Sinai. He also announced the destruction of seven smuggling tunnels in Rafah as well as the thwarting of a plot to target a bus in North Sinai transporting soldiers. Policemen in a number of governorates went on strike over unmet demands.


A bombing attack in the Cairo area wounded at least six policemen. The newly announced jihadist group Ajnad Misr claimed responsibility for the attack. In Alexandria, Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed with security forces.


Two security personnel were killed when unidentified gunmen fired upon them in Sharkiya. Security sources claimed that Ansar Jerusalem receives instructions from al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri. The army spokesman said raids in North Sinai resulted in the arrest of seven Islamist militants. A new Islamist alliance is planning on organizing demonstrations and potentially […]


The Foreign Ministry requested that Qatar hand over Islamists who have fled to the Gulf power. Two Egyptian soldiers were wounded when an explosive device detonated in the Sinai. Authorities reportedly thwarted a plot to target an installation along the Suez Canal. An army officer was shot dead by gunmen in Sharkiya. Security officials expressed […]


Officials said 20 terrorists were killed and 41 others wounded or arrested in North Sinai operations. In central Sinai, unidentified gunmen wounded an Egyptian soldier. Security sources said some of those behind the recent bombings in Cairo were apprehended. The head of the Muslim Brotherhood, along with 50 others, was referred to trial on charges […]

Ajnad Misr, Egypt’s latest jihadist group

The group, which has thus far limited its attacks to the Cairo area, has been described as “our brothers” by Ansar Jerusalem. Jihadists have increasingly promoted Ajnad Misr’s material in recent days.


In recent days, the Egyptian military has claimed to have killed some 20 Islamist militants in operations in North Sinai. The army said security forces destroyed four smuggling tunnels and explosives in the Rafah area. Unidentified assailants fired three rockets toward a security post in Sheikh Zuweid. Separately, the headquarters of the military prosecutor in […]

Al Qaeda

Egypt faces new threat in al Qaeda-linked group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis


The army said security forces foiled a pair of car bomb plots in North Sinai by Ansar Jerusalem, and that forces had killed seven terrorists, including one involved in the August 2012 attack in Rafah. The car of a senior prosecutor was blown up in the city of Minya.


After firing at security forces in North Sinai, three terrorists were killed in clashes. The army used Apache helicopters to bomb sites linked to terrorists in North Sinai. The army claimed to have killed two terrorists in the bombings, though security officials said eight were killed, including a senior Ansar Jerusalem member. Authorities levied formal […]