Tag Archives: Egypt


The army spokesman said security forces had arrested 43 militants and criminals in operations in North Sinai and in cities near the Suez Canal. Hamas denounced Egypt’s closure of the Rafah border crossing as a “crime against humanity.” Authorities reportedly refused to renew the residency visa for Hamas’ Mousa Abu Marzouk. A new purported jihadist […]


Two police officers were killed in Qena during a security raid. The army spokesman said three militants were killed and 17 arrested in weekend operations in North Sinai. The Interior Ministry said it arrested two people involved in plot to target a power station in Giza. The army reshuffled a number of its top officers, […]


Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said the government is pursuing a comprehensive plan to deal with terrorists in the country. Security sources said Ansar Jerusalem members were arrested in army operations in North Sinai. A Cairo court will decide on March 24 whether Ansar Jerusalem is a terrorist organization. The cabinet said it would take “decisive” […]


Six soldiers were killed when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a checkpoint in the Cairo area. The army spokesman blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the attack. Ansar Jerusalem confirmed the death of two of its members, including a founder. The Egyptian military is reportedly planning to launch a major offensive against militants in North Sinai.


Unidentified gunmen killed at least one person and injured three others in an attack on a bus transporting security personnel in Cairo. The army spokesman blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the attack. Masked gunmen also carried out an attack against security personnel in el Arish. Two members of the Muslim Brotherhood were reportedly arrested in […]


North Korea denies role in tanker loaded with crude at rebel-held Libya port


The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of a terror cell in Dakahlia. The North Sinai security director said attempts to turn the Sinai into an Islamic emirate have been thwarted. The army spokesman said seven militants were killed in the latest operations in North Sinai and that security forces have destroyed 1,370 smuggling tunnels near […]


The army said 18 suspected militants and criminals were arrested in North Sinai operations. Authorities reportedly seized a workshop used for creating explosives and bombs in Sheikh Zuweid. A number of Arab foreign ministers met in Cairo to discuss ways to combat terrorism. The Interior Ministry said a terrorist suspected of involvement in the Cairo […]


Unidentified gunmen fired on a bus transporting soldiers in North Sinai. More than 100 Muslim Brotherhood supporters were released upon orders from Egypt’s prosecutor general. Four members of an alleged al Qaeda-linked terror cell were charged for offenses that included planning attacks against the American and French embassies in Egypt.


An official said that an Iranian arms shipment recently intercepted by Israel in the Red Sea was destined for militants in the Sinai or Gaza. At least two police officers were injured in a shooting attacker by gunmen in Zagazig. The army spokesman announced the arrest of 13 suspected militants in operations in North Sinai.


At least one person was injured when a homemade bomb exploded near a tram station in Cairo. Egypt urged other Arab states to designate the Muslim Brotherhod as a terror organization. Security measures were increased around schools in North Sinai for the start of the second semester.


Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a police officer overnight in el Arish, North Sinai. The Foreign Ministry called for an international fund to collect weapons in neighboring Libya. At least two police vehicles were torched by unknown assailants in Giza. Clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security forces were reported in a number of governorates.


The army said operations in North Sinai resulted in the deaths of 10 militants. Unidentified gunmen fired on a non-commissioned police officer in Beni Suef. An IED exploded overnight in District 7 of 6 October City, while a homemade bomb went off near a courts complex in Qena. A bomb struck a reserve gas pipeline […]


Egypt’s Arms Deal with Russia: Potential Strategic Costs


Security forces reportedly thwarted a suicide bombing attack at a security site in North Sinai. A court announced that Hamas was banned from carrying out activities in Egypt. Unidentified gunmen opened fire on a bus transporting security personnel in North Sinai.


Egypt tightens grip on mosques to curb Islamist dissent


The Interior Ministry said it arrested members of a terror cell in Beheira that was targeting security personnel and civilians. Officials began a new push to convince foreigners that Egypt is safe to visit. A police sergeant was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Beni Suef. In Giza, gunmen killed at least one policeman and […]


Security sources said they are concerned Ansar Jerusalem is planning new attacks. Prime Minister Mahlab said security will be the top priority for his government. The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 13 members of a suspected terror cell in Alexandria. Authorities reportedly arrested the owner of a workshop that produced weapons for militants in […]


Authorities arrested three people on suspicion of forming a terror cell in Sharkiya. The government swore in a new cabinet. The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai resulted in the death of 10 militants and arrest of 11 others. The son of former president Mohammed Morsi was arrested over drug charges.


Unidentified gunmen killed a policeman who was part of the security team guarding the judge in one of Mohammed Morsi’s trials. Security forces reportedly closed all roads leading to Rafah as Palestinians protested on the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing. At least one person was killed and two injured during clashes in Alexandria.