Tag Archives: canada


Fahim Ahmad, the leader of the Toronto 18 terror cell, pled guilty to charges against him, including aiding a terror group. Ahmad’s cell was planning to take control of nuclear sites and storming parliament to take politicians hostages and force the country to withdraw from Afghanistan.


Commander stresses political reform over military might in Kandahar

US judge orders release of 9/11 recruiter

A judge has ruled that Mohamedou Ould Slahi should be released from Guantanamo. Slahi was a key recruiter of 9/11 point man Ramzi Binalshibh, tactical commander Mohammed Atta, and two other suicide pilots, and was a top facilitator in the failed millennium bombing plots.

Al Qaeda

Suicide bombers ‘unIslamic’ and going to Hell, says leading cleric

Al Qaeda

US feared attack on Obama inauguration by Somali extremists from Canada


Khaled Nawaya was freed after one month in jail. Nawaya, a Saudi-born Syrian citizen, was arrested one month ago at the border while trying to smuggle nearly $1 million in Canadian mint gold coins. Mounties found 9/11 videotapes and a Hezbollah ring in Nawaya’s possession. He was a flight instructor in Oakland, Calif., and was […]

Al Qaeda

Canada must bring home citizen with alleged Al Qaeda ties: judge


Canadian court convicts man on terrorism charges

United Kingdom

Convicted British terrorist had links to accused in Toronto 18 case: U.K. court documents


Video of “Terror Training Camp” in Canada


Ending Afghan mission in 2011 is no ‘cut and run,’ MacKay says


Lawyers for Omar Khadr released 10 minutes of videotape of his interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Khadr cried while talking to a Candian intelligence official and claimed he was tortured by US forces. Khadr is a Candian citizen who was detained by US forces after a battle in Afghanistan in July 2002.

Al Qaeda

Informant says militant training camp was ‘potty training’ exercise