Tag Archives: Boko Haram

Boko Haram

Northern Nigerians adapt to life under the gun of Islamist militants

Boko Haram

US: Islamic extremists moving freely between Nigeria, Mali, raising terror attack fears

Al Qaeda

Timbuktu: al-Qaeda’s terrorist training academy in the Mali desert

Al Qaeda

‘Darker Sides’: The Vast Islamist Sanctuary of ‘Sahelistan’


Ivory Coast Leader: ‘Germany Should Also Send Troops to Mali’

Al Qaeda

In Nigeria, trapped between Islamist radicals and security forces

Boko Haram attacks 2 churches in northern Nigeria, kills 12

Boko_Haram_2011_Bombing.jpg Boko Haram fighters unleashed a series of attacks across northern Nigeria on Christmas Eve, killing at least 12 Christian worshipers and burning down two churches. Separately, Nigerian security forces killed 14 suspected Boko Haram members in northern Nigeria.