Tag Archives: Boko Haram

Al Qaeda

Fog of Benghazi: Al Qaeda, Dead Americans and an Emerging Threat


Multi-national troops strike back against Mali terrorists

Zawahiri’s man in Shabaab’s ‘secret service’

In a July report warning of “new and more complex operations in Kenya,” the UN also identified an al Qaeda operative who has been entrusted by Ayman al Zawahiri to train Somalis and other African recruits. The operative, known as “Hassan,” has also reportedly trained Boko Haram fighters.

Boko Haram

Vigilantes battle Nigeria’s Islamic extremists with state support, but some fear abuses

A long Ramadan for Boko Haram

A confusing recent series of claims and counterclaims by members of the group and the government do not obscure the group’s ongoing campaign of Islamist terrorism.