Tag Archives: bahrain


Experts say Gaddafi relying on paramilitary forces, foreign mercenaries to crush protests


The government freed more than 50 political prisoners, including an opposition leader and 23 Shia accused of plotting to overthrow the government, in an attempt to appease protesters. The government also said it would permit peaceful demonstrations.


Graphic: Political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East


Protesters reestablished camps in the central square in Manama after police withdrew, and have set conditions for talks with the government. Crown Prince Khalifah has ordered the military to return to their barracks.


Unrest encircles Saudis, stoking sense of unease


WikiLeaks: Bahrain opposition ‘received training from Hizbollah’


Troops opened fire on protesters in Manama; 66 people were wounded. The crown prince went on national TV to say it is “time for dialogue, not fighting.”


Riot police killed six people and wounded dozens more while storming a camp run by anti-government protesters in the capital of Manama. Clashes are being reported in other areas of the city.


Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital city of Manama for the third day straight. Several people were killed by security forces during the first two days of protests.


A court charged 23 Shia political activists with counts of terrorism, forming a terrorist group, and conspiring against the government. The men are thought to be members of the political opposition.


Bahrain Shiites live in fear of arrests, detention, torture


Bridging the Gulf: Bahrain’s big experiment with democracy


Bahraini authorities accused 23 Shia activists who are protesting the Sunni-dominated government of being members of a “sophisticated terrorist network.” The suspects are said to have been planning to overthrow the government, conduct violent acts, and use a propaganda campaign against the current regime.


Bahrain arrests Shiite clerics on security suspicions


Bahrain accuses Iran of nuclear weapons lie