Tag Archives: bahrain


Thousands of opposition supporters rallied in the capital’s Pearl Square. One year earlier, security forces stormed the protesters’ encampment after authorities had imposed martial law.


In the largest demonstration in the past year, tens of thousands of Bahrainis marched demanding democratic reforms. The march was in response to the urging of a Shia cleric for people to renew their calls for greater democracy.


Thousands of protesters attempted to occupy Pearl Square in central Bahrain to mark the first anniversary of the revolt. Police responded with tear gas and stun grenades.


Americans arrested, deported by Bahrain for supporting democracy protests


Arab Spring yields different outcomes in Bahrain, Egypt and Libya


William Hague does not rule out military option on Iran


Five members of a terror cell have links to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the public prosecutor’s office claimed. The cell planned to attack the Interior Ministry, the Saudi Embassy, and a causeway linking Bahrain to Saudi Arabia.


Bahrain held parliamentary by-elections for seats vacated by Shiites after protests. Police blocked protests ahead of election. King Hamad said Bahrain recognizes the “need for reforms.” The US envoy to Bahrain urged dialogue.


Tumult of Arab Spring Prompts Worries in Washington


Breaking down Middle East and North Africa unrest, country by country


An appeals court has upheld the death sentences of two men convicted of killing policemen. Two others had their sentences reduced to life in prison. The court said the sentences were designed to prevent further protests.


For US, matching moral and financial support for revolts proves difficult