Tag Archives: bahrain


Protesters demonstrated on the second anniversary of an uprising that demanded democratic reforms. One teenager was killed and dozens wounded as police fired tear gas and protesters threw firebombs.


After two years of political conflict, the government and the opposition started reconciliation talks. The opposition is demanding a constitutional monarchy with an elected premier.


Opposition groups said they are willing to open dialogue with the government over the country’s long-running political crisis. Bahrain’s Sunni leadership has clashed with Shiite opposition groups since February 2011.


Anti-government protesters clashed with riot police after authorities denied a request for an opposition rally. Police blocked roads and used tear gas and stun grenades.


A court confirmed life sentences for 13 dissidents for their part in anti-government protests in 2011. The 13 were among 20 opposition leaders and activists convicted by a military court for plotting to overthrow the state.


Bahrain opposition leader: Hopes fading for talks as violence mounts


Paramilitary National Guard units deployed into new areas around the country, stepping up efforts to suppress political unrest. The guards would be patrolling in “strategic locations” where arson attacks and clashes with opposition demonstrators had occurred.


Five bombs explored in two areas of the capital of Manama, killing two foreign workers. The government and activists accused each other of setting off the blasts.


Riot police broke up anti-government demonstrations. The government had banned all public gatherings earlier in the week.


Bahrain’s government banned all protests and threatened legal action against opposition groups. Bahrain’s Shiite majority population has been demonstrating for more political rights from a ruling Sunni minority.


Influx of Iraqi Shiites to Syria Widens War’s Scope


Bahrain says it has identified suspects in police bomb attack


Bahrain king blasts ‘foreign’ links to unrest in swipe at Iran


Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to More Than a Dozen Countries


A civil court upheld severe jail sentences against 13 Shiite activists, including seven life sentences. The activists had protested against the Sunni monarchy. Bahraini authorities said they would take additional legal action against the opposition Al Wefaq group.


An appeals court upheld the convictions of 20 activists convicted of trying to overthrow the government. Leaders in the group were in “intelligence contact” with Iran and its ally Hezbollah.


Plans for Gulf’s biggest Catholic church stir backlash in troubled Bahrain


US says Russian-made weapons are killing Syrians on ‘an hourly basis’


Bahrain sentenced six people to 15 years in prison for plotting with Iran to stage attacks within the country. Targets included the Interior Ministry, the Saudi embassy, and a causeway linking the island to Saudi Arabia.


A diplomatic row has developed over a proposed union between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Iran denounced the proposal while Bahrain warned Iran against meddling in its internal affairs. Iranians and Bahraini Shiites rallied against the proposal.


The US resumed some weapons sales to Bahrain. Weapons sales had been suspended last year over human rights concerns during pro-democracy demonstrations.


Hundreds of riot police fought Shiite protestors in Sitra, a poor district southeast of Manama. Sitra has long been a battleground for Shiites who feel the government has marginalized them politically and economically.