Tag Archives: AQAP

Benghazi suspect has ‘extensive contacts’ with jihadist leaders in Libya

In a court filing earlier this week, the US government argued that the only suspect in custody for the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya should remain in pretrial detention. Prosecutors cited his “extensive contacts” with senior members of other jihadist organizations and plans for additional attacks as reasons to keep him behind bars as he awaits trial.

UN adds Boko Haram to al Qaeda sanctions list

The UN cites Boko Haram’s relationship with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) as a reason for adding the Nigerian group to the al Qaeda sanctions list. Previous designations and formal announcements by the US also recognized Boko Haram’s ties to AQIM. Documents found in Osama bin Laden’s compound reportedly showed contacts between the group and al Qaeda’s senior leadership.

Zawahiri’s man in Shabaab’s ‘secret service’

In a July report warning of “new and more complex operations in Kenya,” the UN also identified an al Qaeda operative who has been entrusted by Ayman al Zawahiri to train Somalis and other African recruits. The operative, known as “Hassan,” has also reportedly trained Boko Haram fighters.

Bloomberg News on Zawahiri’s communications

Bloomberg News reported that Ayman al Zawahiri communicated with “other regional terrorist commanders” as well as the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Zawahiri’s communications are what led the US to shutter more than 20 diplomatic facilities.

AQAP rebuilding in Jaar?

A Yemeni official cited in an account by the Yemen Times earlier this month said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is rebuilding its presence in Jaar after losing control of the city.