Tag Archives: Ansar Jerusalem

Ansar Jerusalem: ‘The war has yet to start’

In its latest video, Ansar Jerusalem showed footage of the Nov. 20 car bombing in North Sinai that killed 11 Egyptian security personnel. The video also video featured a clip from former al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi.

Egyptian army claims successes as jihadists allege ‘massacre’

The Egyptian army announced that recent operations in the Sinai have led to the arrests of numerous “terrorist elements” as well as the seizure of a variety of weaponry. A leading Sinai jihadist group contended, however, that a recent army operation killed seven civilians, including four children.

Ansar Jerusalem claims new rocket attack on Eilat

Ansar Jerusalem issued a statement today claiming that it fired two rockets toward the southern Israeli city of Eilat yesterday. Rockets were last fired toward Eilat in April by the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem.