AQIM claims killing Malian soldiers near Timbuktu
The ambush near Timbuktu is just the latest al Qaeda attack near the city. Additionally, other attacks by jihadists have occurred further south in the country.
The ambush near Timbuktu is just the latest al Qaeda attack near the city. Additionally, other attacks by jihadists have occurred further south in the country.
The incident in northern Mali comes just days after jihadist attacks in the central and southern portions of the country.
The attack is the second in June to take place near the border with Ivory Coast and the second in two days in the lower half of Mali. These attacks come after the government and the main Tuareg rebels in the north have agreed to a peace deal.
The assault comes just days after rebel Tuareg groups signed a peace deal with the Malian government.
The special forces raids killed an al Qaeda leader known for kidnapping and murdering Western hostages.
The rocket barrage has not yet been claimed, but al Qaeda-affiliated groups have launched similar attacks on the UN in the past. This comes one day after a terrorist attack, perpetrated by group loyal to al Qaeda, occurred in Mali’s capital.
Iyad Ag Ghaly, the reclusive leader of the Malian jihadist group Ansar Dine, is purported to be living freely in the Kidal region of Mali. A journalist for the German publication Der Spiegel met with the jihadist leader and his lieutenants.
An IED blast in the northern Malian town of Kidal has left seven Senegalese peacekeepers from the UN mission wounded. The attack follows a string of operations in central Mali by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
Despite a French-led counterterrorism operation in Mali and the Sahel, al Qaeda-linked violence continues to be a problem.
Terrorists, traffickers forge unholy alliance
Ansar Dine leader Iyad Ag Ghaly has appeared in a video calling on Muslims to fight back against France and its allies.
Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on al Qaeda’s network in Africa and the threat it poses to the US
Mali: RFI Journalists Killed Due to Oil Leak, French Investigator
Kidal, a lawless outpost in Mali’s desert north
Mohamed Lahbous, a member of the al Qaeda-linked Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, was listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist for his involvement in kidnapping, weapons smuggling, and armed attacks in Algeria.
Who’s Who in Northern Mali?
The $7 million reward for Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram’s emir, puts him in the top echelon of wanted terrorist leaders. Rewards of $5 million are also offered for Mokhtar Belmokhtar and Yahya Abu Hammam.
Global impact to Sahel terror
Jihadists have launched 12 suicide bombings and assaults in Mali since the beginning of February.
“The Chadian army does not have the skills to fight a shadowy, guerrilla-style war that is taking place in northern Mali,” President Deby said.
There have been six suicide attacks in Mali since Feb. 9. Last night’s attack in Timbuktu was part of a complex raid against an airport.
Ansar Dine received significant “military support” from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. In November 2012, Ansar Dine established “an alliance” with AQIM and MUJAO.
Mali Islamists warned about Sharia in al-Qaeda ‘manifesto’
Iyad ag Ghali, the leader of Ansar Dine, threw in his lot with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Movement for the Oneness and Jihad in West Africa to take over northern Mali.
A document found in Mali that was written by an al Qaeda commander in Yemen gives advice on how to avoid US drone attacks.
The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa has claimed credit for three previous suicide attacks. Five people were killed in suicide attacks in Tessalit today.
Divided Nomads Cloud Mali Mission
The bomber killed only himself in an attempted attack on security forces in Gao.
Maghreb economies confront terror fallout
Timbuktu Training Site Shows Terrorists’ Reach