‘Incite the Believers’ continues to fight Assad regime in southern Idlib
A coalition of Qaeda-linked jihadist groups in northwestern Syria detail their recent operations.
A coalition of Qaeda-linked jihadist groups in northwestern Syria detail their recent operations.
U.S. Central Command says an airstrike targeted al Qaeda in Syria (AQ-S) “leadership at a facility north of Idlib, Syria” earlier today. Jihadis on social media say the facility belonged to Ansar al-Tawhid, which is one of several al Qaeda-affiliated groups in Syria.
Abd Al-Ra’Ouf Abu Zaid Mohamed Hamza was involved in the murder of a USAID employee and his driver in 2008. Hamza’s father is a senior cleric in Ansar al-Tawhid, which, along with al Qaeda, claimed credit for the assassinations.