Tag Archives: Ansar al Sharia

Zawahiri calls on Muslims to implement sharia

Zawahiri-OBL-eulogy.jpgIn a statement released online, al Qaeda’s emir provides several goals for Muslims to strive toward. While ignoring the toll that al Qaeda’s violence has taken inside the Muslim world, Zawahiri says that Muslims must resist the “Crusader” alliance and implement sharia law.

Moroccan government dismantled ‘Ansar al Sharia’ terrorist cell

The Moroccan Interior Ministry announced earlier this month that it had disrupted planned terrorist attacks by an organization calling itself Ansar al Sharia in the Islamic Maghreb. The group allegedly sought the support of al Qaeda’s allies in northern Mali, and reportedly partnered with an unnamed Egyptian from the Sinai.

Al Qaeda

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails

Al Qaeda

Obama administration’s wishful thinking on terrorism

State Department: Ansar al Sharia an alias for AQAP

The State Department has announced that Ansar al Sharia in Yemen is simply an “alias” for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is attempting to “rebrand itself.” The Ansar al Sharia brand is being employed by al Qaeda-linked groups elsewhere, including in Tunisia and Libya.


In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed US ambassador, officials say

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda’s chances in the ‘Arab Spring’ countries: from Sinai to the black flags!

Al Qaeda’s plan for Libya highlighted in congressional report

A report published by the federal research division of the Library of Congress highlights al Qaeda’s clandestine strategy for Libya. Working under orders from senior al Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, al Qaeda operatives in Libya are in the final stages of creating a fully operational network.