Tag Archives: Algeria


Security forces dismantled an al Qaeda-linked terrorist cell during an operation in Bordj Badji Mokhtar; seven suspects were detained, including two Malians. The cell was involved in helping jihadists escape from Mali into Algeria. Kamel Kadkadi, the main suspect in the assassination of Chokri Belaid, was extradited to Tunisia after being arrested near the Tunisian […]


Of the roughly 400 al Qaeda militants said to be active in eastern Algeria’s Kabylie region, an estimated 280 are in Bouira, 73 in Boumerdès, and 50 in Tizi Ouzou, the key strongholds of AQIM. Terrorists attacked a Tizi Ouzou City checkpoint on March 3, and killed a soldier in the Yakouren forest on March […]

Conflicting accounts emerge over AQIM leader’s reported death

Evidence is mounting that AQIM leader Abdel Mejid Abou Zeid was recently killed in clashes with French and African security forces, but conflicting reports have emerged as to the events leading to his alleged death. Algerian authorities are conducting DNA analysis on the supposed remains of Abou Zeid.


Government forces discovered weapons and explosives and killed two terrorists in the province of Tizi Ouzou; one died after an ambush near Tadmait and Drâa Ben Khedda, and the other was killed in Tleta Hidoussen. Six terrorists have been killed in the province this year.


Authorities are carrying out DNA tests to confirm whether al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb commander Abu Zeid has been killed. A US official said reports of Zeid’s death were “very credible.”


One of 12 terrorists killed by security forces in operations on Feb. 24 and Feb. 25 was the al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb emir for the town of Bordj Menaïel in Boumerdès province. Security forces arrested two men who had been recruited by the al Qaeda-linked Signed in Blood Battalion to spy on the […]

Al Qaeda

Interview with Abdelasiem El Difraoui on al Qaeda’s use of visual media

Al Qaeda

Two Norwegians killed in Statoil In Aménas attack stopped explosion danger


Algerian troops killed four terrorists in Boukaal Medajadji in Chlef, and eight more in Timezrit in Boumerdès; three of the dead were wanted criminals. Bombs were defused and weapons were confiscated during the two operations.


The Interior Ministry refused to license the Free Awakening Front, the country’s first Salafist party, which had sought to hold its founding convention on Feb. 16. The Id Amenas gas facility, the site of last month’s terrorist assault, will partially reopen starting next week.


At Pentagon, ‘pivot to Asia’ becomes ‘shift to Africa’


US and Algerian officials met in Algiers and agreed to cooperate in preventing terrorists from acquiring nuclear materials and illicit weapons. The officials are concerned that nuclear stocks from the Gaddafi regime are “within the reach of armed Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb groups.”


The military killed two terrorists in Ihnouchène near Tisi Ouzou on Feb. 11. The day before, an armed group tried to kidnap a trader in Ihessnaouen, south of Tizi-Ouzou, and shot the trader’s mother after he fled.


The Algiers Criminal Court postponed the case of 48 suspected terrorists, including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb emir Abdelmalek Droukdel and the leader of al Ansar battalion “B.A.” The defendants face charges related to “more than 20 collective massacres” and other terrorist acts. Security forces arrested 10 members of a weapons trafficking network in […]


Algerian troops intercepted two al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb suicide bombers in Tinzouatine near the Malian border. The men, an Algerian and a Malian, had explosive belts and automatic weapons at the time of their arrest.


Algeria captured four heavily armed militants near its border with Mali. Al Qaeda fighters have tried to cross the border after a French offensive drove them from Mali’s northern cities.


Algerian warplanes and attack helicopters repelled a three-hour coordinated assault on an army barracks by some 50 militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades. Two militants died in the assault and six soldiers were wounded; one militant was captured. Many of the attackers were Tunisian and Libyan and carried Libyan weapons.


US counterterrorism efforts in Africa defined by a decade of missteps