Tag Archives: Algeria


Algerian security forces captured 5 suspected suicide bombers who were tied to the April 11 attacks in Algiers. The government is refusing to accept the transfer of 24 Algerian detainees currently in custody at Guantanamo Bay.


An Algerian newspaper reported that Samir Saioud (a.k.a. Samir Moussaab), the second in command of al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb, was killed in during fighting in the Si Mustapha region east of Algiers.

Al Qaeda

Report: al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar ready to surrender


The Algiers and Casablanca suicide campaign may have been planned over 3 years ago in Sudan. One of the Algiers car bombs was denoted by remote control. Madani Mezrag, the former leader of the Armed Islamic Group, denounced al Qaeda.


Five soldiers were killed and 4 wounded in separate attacks by al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb fighters. The Algerian government protested Saturday’s terror alert by the local embassay.


The U.S. Embassy in Algiers warned of potential suicide attacks in the capital and has restricted the movement of its personnel. “According to unconfirmed information, there may be attacks in Algiers planned for April 14, 2007 in areas that may include the Algiers Central Post Office … and Algerian State Television Headquarters, ENTV.., among others.” […]


Officials: Algerian Bombing Is First Wave of New Al Qaeda ‘Spring Offensive’

Al Qaeda

Suicide Attacks Mark Turn in Algeria – Insurgents Seen Taking Cues From Global al Qaeda

Al Qaeda

Officials: Algerian Bombing Is First Wave of New Al Qaeda ‘Spring Offensive’

Al Qaeda

Moroccan minister does not rule out link between bombings in Morocco and Algeria


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s suicide strikes in the capital of Algiers and issued photos of the bombers [see press release, PDF]. AQIM claimed there were 3 targets: the Prime Minister’s office, Interpol HQ and the Special Police HQ. Police dismantled a car bomb with 500 kg of explosives […]

Al Qaeda strikes in Algiers

Aftermath of a suicide car bomb which exploded near the prime minister’s headquarters in central Algiers. REUTERS/Louafi Larbi. Click to view. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb attacks Prime Minister’s office, market Al Qaeda’s new regional affiliate in Northern Africa, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), conducted two major attacks in Algiers, the capital […]


An attack force of about 50 al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters ambushed an Algerian Army convoy heading for operations against the group in Eastern Algeria. Nine soldiers and at least 4 al Qaeda were killed in the fighting.


Algerian security forces are conducting a major operation against al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM) in the mountains and forests in the east of the country. Three soldiers were killed and 7 wounded after AQIM hit their convoy with an IED west of Algiers.

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda and Algeria’s GSPC: Part of a Much Bigger Picture


al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the attack on the Russian petroleum company bus that killed 1 and wounded 3, as well as other attacks in Algeria. al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb also offered amnesty to Algerian security personnel if they ‘repent.’


Four Russians and 4 Algerians were killed in a bus bombing. The bus carried workers of a Russian petroleum company. Algerian troops are sweeping the local region in a hunt for al Qaeda in the Mahgreb.


Algeria has broken up an al Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (or North Africa) arms smuggling network in Constantine. The weapons ring included “a French national, two Tunisians and 24 Algerians.”


Algerian police killed 26 suspected terrorists and arrested another 35 during operations in the mountainous region of Qashra, near the eastern city of Skikda. This is an area where al Qaeda in the Maghreb (formerly GSPC) is known to operate. al Qaeda claimed responsibility for seven bombing attacks in Algeria on February 13.


al Qaeda in the Maghreb (formerly the GSPC) has claimed responsibility for 7 coordinated attacks on police, which killed 6 and wounded 30. The attack comes as concern in Europe increases over the spread of al Qaeda in North Africa.

Al Qaeda

“al Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghrib” kill five in Algeria


The Algerian Salafist Group for Prayer and Combat has officially renamed the organization to “al Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghrib.” See the section on North Africa/Algeria in The State of the Jihad for details on al Qaeda in North Africa.