Tag Archives: Algeria


The leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb dismissed its chief Islamic scholar, Rashid Zerami, for opposing suicide bombings in Algeria. An Army major was killed in a bombing in M™sila; the bomb was hidden under the dead body of a man kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the Sept. 28 suicide bombing at a police checkpoint in Dellys, which killed three and wounded six. “We bring (the Muslim Ummah) the glad tidings of the mujahideens’ victories and their massacre of the apostate slaves of America,” AQIM said in a statement released on the […]


A suicide bomber killed three civilians and wounded six in an attack on a police checkpoint in Dellys. Security forces killed three “terrorists” during an operation in Tebessa. Police have increased the number of checkpoints in Tizi Ouzou.


Security forces killed a regional military adviser for al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Police broke up a plot against a military barracks that was to be carried out by a female suicide bomber. An al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb operative who surrendered to authorities said the group planned to conduct attacks on key […]


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed credit for the Aug. 19 suicide bombings in the Algerian town of Bouira. Salah Abu Mohammad, a spokesman for the terror group released an audiotape. The attacks killed 11 and wounded 42.


A suicide bomber killed eight Algerians and wounded eight more during an attack on a police station in Zemmouri. In a statement released on the Internet, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has claimed responsibility for the two recent suicide attacks in Lakhdaria and Tizi Ouzou.


A suicide bomber wounded 25 Algerians, including four policemen, in an attack in the town of Tizi Ouzou. The bomber attacked a police station. Al Qaeda is beginning to deploy female suicide bombers in North Africa.


The US Department of the Treasury designated four leaders of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb as Specially Designated Global Terrorists for their links to Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Taliban. The head of the information committee, the South Zone commander, the finance chief, and a deputy battalion commander operating in Mali were […]


Security forces killed a “top leader” in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb know as al Tuhami. A specialized counterterrorism platoon staged an ambush against Tuhami and two other supporters in a town east of Algiers.


Algerians denounce Droukdel’s New York Times interview


A Threat Renewed – Ragtag Insurgency Gains a Lifeline From Al Qaeda


Sir David Veness quits as head of UN security over Algiers bombing


AQIM Promises Revenge for Attack on Muslim Woman in Morocco


Twelve people are reported to have been killed in twin bombings at a train station in the town of Beni Amrane in Boumerdes. The first bomb killed a French engineer and his driver; the second killed 10 Algerians as they arrived at the scene to evacuate the wounded in the first blast.


A bomb attack blamed on Islamist terrorists killed six Algerian soldiers and wounded four in Cap Djinet, east of Algiers. The soldiers were returning to barracks on Thursday after a fishing expedition in the seaside town, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) from Algiers, when their vehicle struck a bomb buried in the road. The attack […]


A suicide bomber wounded five Algerians in an attack outside a police barracks on the outskirts of Algiers. Another Algerian was wounded in a bombing in front of a shop in the same area. The Kabylie region east of Algiers remains an al Qaeda haven.


An Algerian court has sentenced Amari Saifi, also known as Abderrezak el Para, to death. El Para planned and led the 2003 kidnapping of European tourists in the Algerian Sahara. He was designated as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the United States. He was eventually captured by Chadian rebels and turned over to the […]

Al Qaeda

Algeria reports 115 kidnappings by militants last year in rare public tally of abductions


Out of Africa: a growing threat to Europe from al Qaeda’s new allies


Algerian soldiers arrested a group of 15 people suspected of joining a local al Qaeda cell in Blida province. The French Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories visited Algeria to help strengthen security relations between the two countries.


Algerian security forces killed 14 members of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb during operations in El Oued and Boumerdes provinces. Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the former leader of the group’s southern branch, is said to be negotiating the terms of his surrender.


Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the former leader of al Qaeda in the Ismalic Maghreb’s southern faction, is reported to be in the custody of security services. Two members of al Qaeda were arrested as they were meeting with women known to be linked to prostitution.

Al Qaeda

Zawahiri tries to stay relevant in face of Muslim discontent