Tag Archives: Algeria


The Algerian Army captured over 50 foreign smugglers along the country’s border with Niger. The defense ministry stated that the operation was part of an effort to prevent Islamist attacks.


Algeria’s justice minister announced that last month the army killed a man suspected to be involved in the September beheading of French hiker Herve Gourdel. Gourdel was killed by jihadists with Jund al-Khilafa, a group linked to the Islamic State.


“Four terrorists dressed in Afghan-style clothes” and armed with Kalashnikovs stole a vehicle in Bouira and then fled on Nov. 21. Two “terrorists” were killed in Tipza; “guns, ammunition, mobile phones and other equipment” were captured, according to the government.


The Algerian Army killed seven “militants” and arrested two other suspects in a pair of operations near the borders with Mali and Libya. “A load of arms and missiles” was captured from the group attempting to enter the country from Mali.


Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal declared that “Algeria is safe from IS [The Islamic State], the Maghreb and North Africa cannot become acquainted with IS.” The deputy defense minister and army chief of staff pledged the army’s “determination” to “eradicate” terrorism.


The Algerian Army arrested a senior AQIM operative and killed three other militants in an ambush on a convoy of technical vehicles near the southwestern border with Mali. Weapons and ammunition were seized in the raid.


Algerian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif condemned last Thursday’s terrorist attacks on forces in neighboring Niger on Friday.


Algerian officials have pledged a strong response to terrorism after a local group has declared allegiance to the Islamic State. Yesterday, the defense ministry announced that Algerian troops killed two militants and seized “two Kalashnikov rifles, a pair of binoculars, three grenades, cell phones and other items” in Jijel province on Oct. 26.


The Algerian Army arrested two terrorists last week, including a Mauritanian member of a terror group affiliated with the Islamic State. On Oct. 20, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal rejected the idea that the Islamic State has a presence in Algeria.


French investigators in Algeria to probe monks’ 1996 murders


The Algerian military ambushed a group of Islamist “militants” in Biskra on Oct. 6 and killed three fighters. On Oct. 7, the military captured 20 “criminals,” including 12 Sudanese and eight Chadians, in Tiririne near the borders with Niger.


The military killed five “criminals” and injured four others in an ambush near the border with Niger yesterday; all of the “criminals” were foreigners, and one was a Libyan. On Sept. 30, troops searching for the body of slain French tourist Herve Gourdel clashed with a terrorist group outside Aït Oualbane, between Tizi Ouzou et […]


Justice Minister Louh said Algerian authorities have identified the suspects who beheaded French tourist Hervé Gourdel on Sept. 24 in the Djurdjura Mountains. Gourdel was kidnapped on Sept. 21 by Jund al-Khalifa fi Ard al-Jazayer (“Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria”), a newly emerged terror group led by Abdelmalek El Gouri a.k.a. Khaled Abou Souleiman, […]


Hours after tourist killed, France says does not rule out Syria strikes


Jund al Khilifah, a splinter group from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb that joined the Islamic State, kidnapped a Frenchman in Kabylie on Sept. 21. The ministry of defense claimed it killed a “leading terrorist” with ties to al Qaeda during an operation in Kabylie.


The Air Force has stepped up security along the Libyan border in anticipation of terrorist attacks. A previously unknown group, Djound Al-Khilafa en Algerie (Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria) pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Sept. 13; the group is said to have emerged from AQIM cells in central Algeria and to be […]


Algeria siege inquest: ‘Bloodshed threat’ before attack


Libya accuses Khartoum of flying weapons to Islamist rebels in Tripoli


Algeria has announced the release of the last of the hostages kidnapped in April 2012 from its consulate in Gao, Mali by the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO). Another hostage, consul Boualem Saies, died in captivity, and diplomat Tahar Touati was assassinated, according to the Foreign Ministry. The head of the […]


Algerian forces surrounded a group of 20 fighters from Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mali near Kenchele on Aug. 24, including several alleged senior al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leaders. Wanted Ansar al Sharia leader Sami Essid was said to be among 13 arrested who were planning attacks and also escapes for other detained terrorists. […]


Security forces sweeping terrorist cells in Tlemcen province killed two terrorists in Ouled Riyah and seized ammunition; the operation began after a tip-off. Algeria opened its borders to Egyptians fleeing Libya; the border to Libya had been closed since May 2013.


Three soldiers and four municipal guards were killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol in the western province of Sidi Bel Abbes yesterday. Al Qaeda-linked militants are suspected in the attack.