Tag Archives: Al Qaeda

Ansar al Sharia Egypt in the Sinai

A group calling itself Ansar al Sharia Egypt has announced its formation in the Sinai and has threatened violence in the wake of recent events. It is not clear if the organization is truly a new front, or simply a covert part of an already established group with the same name.

Social Media Jihad: John McCain visits Tunisia

In a Facebook posting, Ansar al Sharia Tunisia took issue with “Jewish” Senator John McCain’s visit to Tunisia this week. McCain met with prime minister Ali Larayedh, who has been in a war of words with Ansar al Sharia Tunisia’s leader.

Social Media Jihad: Drones over Tunisia?

Ansar al Sharia has alleged that American drones are flying overhead inside Tunisian territory. We have no independent information confirming the use of drones in Tunisia. The group is using the allegation as part of its propaganda campaign.

ISAF: Oops, Afghan violence didn’t decrease in 2012

ISAF has corrected its earlier reporting on the level of violence in Afghanistan. ISAF had previously claimed that the number of enemy initiated attacks in Afghanistan had decreased by 7 percent in 2012, as compared to 2011. In reality, there was no change.

On the Ansar al Sharia Facebook pages

The Ansar al Sharia Facebook pages analyzed by The Long War Journal contain valuable information, in addition to bluster. Two Facebook pages we reported on have been taken down since our articles first appeared.

More on Ansar al Sharia in Morocco

Morocco’s interior minister said that an Ansar al Sharia cell in Morocco “was seeking to obtain financial and military support” from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

Ansar al Sharia in Mali

A new Ansar al Sharia group has been established in Mali. According to press reports, the group’s leaders are “close to” the official spokesman for Ansar Dine.

Brother of al Qaeda’s emir justifies 9/11

MEMRI has published excerpts of Al Jazeera’s interview with Mohamed al Zawahiri, the brother of al Qaeda’s emir. Mohamed al Zawahiri justified 9/11 and al Qaeda’s terrorism in general during the interview. An Egyptian military court acquitted him earlier this year.

Spying on al Qaeda

Double agents, although uncommon, have played a significant role in the post-9/11 fight against terrorism. The double agent who broke up a recent al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) plot is just the latest example.

On the ‘merchant of death’

Viktor Bout has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. His amoral flexibility allowed him to serve everyone from al Qaeda and the Taliban, on the one hand, to military contractors in Iraq.