Tag Archives: Al Qaeda

Influential AQAP ideologue killed in US drone strike

Harith bin Ghazi al Nadhari, a senior sharia official in al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was killed in a US drone strike on Jan. 31. Al Qaeda had consistently elevated Nadhari’s media profile, meaning he was considered a key ideologue for the global organization.

Analysis: DIA head warns al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015

Lieutenant General Vincent R. Stewart, the director of the DIA, testified before the House Armed Services Committee yesterday. Stewart warned that al Qaeda in Syria may gain ground in 2015, the Islamic State remains capable of launching offensive operations despite the coalition’s air campaign, and the Taliban-led insurgency has fought its opposition to a stalemate in Afghanistan.

Ansar al Sharia photos focus on governance efforts near Benghazi

Ansar al Sharia Libya released a set of propaganda photos in late January that are intended to demonstrate the group’s authority over areas in and around Benghazi. The photos purportedly show a police station and a convoy of security vehicles under the group’s control. However, forces loyal to General Haftar also claim to control much of the city.

Al Qaeda

Hagel: Gitmo transfers caused friction with some at White House

Al Qaeda

US drone strategy in trouble as Yemeni al Qaeda gathers support

Al Qaeda sharia officials address Caucasus defectors in joint statement

Sharia officials from both Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Al Nusrah Front, two official branches of al Qaeda, have signed a statement saying that the Islamic State’s ‘caliphate’ is invalid. The statement is addressed to the Caucasus jihadists who announced their allegiance to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in December.

Al Qaeda

Freed al Qaeda agent was part of proposed swap for Americans jailed in Qatar

Al Qaeda

Chérif and Saïd Kouachi’s path to Paris attack at Charlie Hebdo


As Terrorism Suspects Are Detained in Europe, Scope of Challenge Is Highlighted


Suicide bomber in Saudi border attack recruited family members to join ISIS: source

Pakistani Taliban splinter group again pledges allegiance to Islamic State

A Pakistani Taliban splinter group released a nearly 17-minute video again pledging its allegiance to the Islamic State. The group primarily consists of low to mid-level former Pakistani Taliban officials from Khyber, Arakzai, Bajaur, Hangu, and Dir in Pakistan, and from Kunar, Logar, and Nangarhar in Afghanistan.