Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has executed a Malian custom officials who was carrying documents from a Western embassy. AQIM is attempting to get a Malian national guard to join their ranks. An ex-AQIM fighter alleges that Malian government officials and tribal leaders have been supporting the group. Two Malians arrested in the Mauritiania-French […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb released a statement accusing France of covering up negotiations with the group for the release of Michel Germaneau as well as with Pierre Camatte. AQIM asserts that Britain rejected negotiations to return the body of British national, Edwin Dyer, who was killed by the group a year ago. AQIM […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A jailed senior Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb member has pledged that the terrorist organization will seek out and kill more French citizens in retaliation for a raid that killed six AQIM soldiers. “I say to the infidels, the French crusaders and worshipers of the Crusaders and the Jews, that we will not be […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abu Musab Abdulwadud, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, claimed that his terror group negotiated with France over the release of Michel Germaneau. “France’s president launched a cowardly military action while negotiations were under way to release Michel Germaneau,” Abdulwadud said, contradicting the French government.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has declared war on al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and vowed to crack down on AQIM for the killing of Michel Germanaeu. Fillon declared: “We are at war with al Qaeda and we’ve provided military support particularly to the Mauritanian forces.” Mauritania has redeployed its army to 45 border […]

AQIM claims to have killed 9 French commandos in raid

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s latest press release has claimed that the group killed nine French special force commandos from the General Directorate for External Security, or DGSE, during a joint Mauritanian-French raid on an AQIM camp in northern Mali. The raid was bold attempt to free a French national, Michel Germaneau. With the […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed it killed nine French special forces commandos during a raid on the terrorist group’s camp on July 22. AQIM’s press release listed the names of the nine commandos killed and also provided other details about the attack.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abu Musab Abdulwadud, the head of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, said his terror group executed French hostage Michel Germaneau to avenge a raid by French commandos and Mautanian forces in Mali. “As a quick response to the despicable French act, we confirm that we have killed hostage Germaneau in revenge for our six […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

French special forces and Mauritanian troops killed seven al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters during a raid on a terrorist camp in northern Mali. There is no word on the status of Michel Germaneau, a Frenchman held hostage by AQIM.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Three bombs planted by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have killed four Algerian soldiers and wounded 10 others near Tizi Ouzou. The three bombs were buried underground and struck the soldiers while they were on a mission in the Tadmait area. France has denied that it received hostage demands from AQIM for the release […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has given France a 15-day extension to exchange prisoners, otherwise the terror group will execute the 78-year-old French national, Michel Germaneau. “The mujahedeen [holy warriors] decided to grant a final extension to France that will not be repeated and will not exceed 15 days, starting on Monday,” AQIM’s online […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Abdul Malik Droukdel, the leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, said his terror group still backs al Qaeda. “We inform you, O Emir Osama Bin Laden, that we are still faithful to you and are fighting with all our force,” Droukdel said in an audiotape.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

In Mauritania, prison guards at a Nouakchott prison foiled the escape of 20 Salafist prisoners, including a recently convicted AQIM fighter. In Algeria, authorities clarified that they killed seven AQIM members, not four, in an ambush in Tizi-Ouzuo. And in Morocco, 38 al Qaeda-linked suspects on trial in the country have had their cases delayed […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Footage taken off an Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb defector has given an inside look into the everyday lives of AQIM fighters. The video was not intended for release and is not dated. Mokhtar Belmokhtar can be seen in the black turban by the truck.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The recent surrender of Abou El Abbas, a former member of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s Council of Notables and the chief of legislative affairs, has revealed that the group is ailing. Security sweeps, a failure to legitimize suicide bombings, and a lack of notable attacks have severely weakened morale. Additionally, AQIM has resorted […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A senior leader in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has surrendered to authorities. Atmane Touti, alias Abu El Abbas, was a co-founder of the GSPC, an aide to Droukdel, and the commander of Zone 2 prior to becoming the legal chief for the organization. He surrendered after his wife “convinced” him to give up […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Five al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters have been killed by Algerian military forces in Djelfa province. The AQIM fighters were controlling a passage in the province when they became embroiled in a firefight with the army, resulting in the deaths of six soldiers, including one commander.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released a video with an audio voice-over by the kidnapped French national, Michel Germaneau. In the video, Germaneau’s picture and identification card are visible and he verbally authenticates AQIM’s abduction. AQIM is demanding a prisoner swap for the release of the Frenchman.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has taken credit for the kidnapping of the French national from northern Niger on April 22. AQIM is demanding that France apply pressure on countries in the region to “release its jailed members” in exchange for the retired French engineer, Michel Germano.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released the Algerian driver of the French national kidnapped in the Inabagharit region of northern Niger. He was taken taken into Mali, where he was blindfolded and beaten until AQIM fighters decided to release him in the desert. The Algerian government revealed that it would have refused to […]

AQIM’s latest video seeks to enrage and inspire

The latest video by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s media arm, Al-Andalus, looks to reinforce statements in a previous video by Mabarek Yazid, aka Abu Obeida Youcef, the leader of AQIM’s Council of Worthies, to win sympathy with Muslims throughout the Maghreb nations and inspire potential Islamist sympathizers to join their cause. The recruitment […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s propaganda branch, Al Andalus Media, has released a recruitment video. Al Qaeda leaders such as al Libi, bin Laden, and Zawahiri give speachs as Muslims, such as Boko Haram, are shown being executed or beaten. The video shows young jihadists speaking about their training and an attack near the […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Italian couple released by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has described their ordeal to the press, commenting that, “we were treated well.” They urged the European governments to cooperate with African nations to find the two Spanish hostages still held. Four Saharan nations are opening a joint command headquarters in Tarnanrasset, Algeria, to […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has released the Italian couple that has been held since Dec. 18, 2009, when the couple was abducted in southeast Mauritania. Sergio Cicala and his wife, Philomene Kaboure, were handed over to Malian authorities in the eastern Gao region. AQIM still holds two Spanish aid workers, who were kidnapped […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb threatened to attack the World Cup games in South Africa. “How amazing could the match United States vs. Britain be when broadcasted live on air at a stadium packed with spectators when the sound of an explosion rumbles through the stands,” the AQIM statement read.