Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

A Malian security official said that the Italian and the Spaniard who were taken hostage on Oct. 23 were kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s “Sahrawi wing.” Hakim Ould Mohamed M’Barek, a member of the Sahrawi wing, is linked to the kidnappings.

Al Qaeda

Will a Middle East awash with weapons be Gaddafi’s final legacy?

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Four Frenchmen kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are still thought to be alive, according to negotiators. AQIM has demanded that French troops withdraw from Afghanistan and a 90 million euro ransom.

Al Qaeda

Fallout in the Sahara: Did the War in Libya Play into the Hands of al-Qaeda?


Three Terrorist Groups in Africa Pose Threat to US, American Commander Says

Al Qaeda

Nigeria militant group Boko Haram’s attacks attract speculation

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Osama bin Laden sought to use five French hostages captured by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in Niger to discredit President Sarkozy. Bin Laden issued written, personal guidance to AQIM on how the hostages were to be handled.

US Treasury lists 3 senior al Qaeda leaders as terrorists

The al Qaeda leaders were identified as Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of the external operations council who was recently arrested in Pakistan; Hassan Ghul, a key facilitator who was freed by the Pakistanis in 2007; and Abu Yahya al Libi, a top ideologue.

Al Qaeda

Algeria at risk of al-Qaeda revenge attacks after accepting Gaddafi family


ANALYSIS-Security fears behind Algeria haven for Gaddafi family

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed the suicide attack at a military academy in Cherchell that killed 16 soldiers and two civilians. AQIM said two suicide bombers, Abu Anas and Abu Noah, executed the attack.

Al Qaeda

Was a Group with Ties to Al-Qaeda Behind the U.N. Bombing in Nigeria?