Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

AQAP bomb kills 13 in Lahj

Thirteen people were reported killed today in Yemen’s southern Lahj province as an IED believed to have been planted by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was being defused.

AQAP attacks in 3 southern Yemeni provinces

Fighters from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula staged a string of attacks throughout southern Yemen between July 25 and July 27, including an attempted coordinated attack on military locations in Mahfad.

AQAP seeks to consolidate power in Hadramout

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters distributed a statement this weekend in Hadramout province restricting women’s participation in public life. Amid its ongoing assassination campaign in the province, the terror group also stated its intention to establish an Islamic emirate in Yemen headed by Nasir al Wuhayshi.

US adds AQAP leader involved in embassy plot to terrorist list

Shawki Ali Ahmed al Badani was involved in the 2013 plot to attack US diplomatic facilities throughout the world, as well as the US embassy in Sana’a and a suicide attack that killed more than 100 Yemeni soldiers. The US targeted Badani in a drone strike late last year.