Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

AQAP kills 5 Yemeni troops, loots convoy

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ambushed a convoy escorted by Yemeni troops today, killing five soldiers. From the Yemen Post: At least five soldiers were killed and others injured in a suspected Al-Qaeda ambush in Yemen’s eastern Hadramout province on Wednesday. A security source was quoted by Almasderonline.com as saying that Al-Qaeda militants targeted […]

Anwar al Awlaki: Jihadists should steal from disbelievers

AQAP has released the fourth edition of its Inspire magazine. In it, al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki calls on Muslims to steal from the disbelievers in order to fund their jihad. Awlaki’s message may indicate that AQAP’s fundraising has been hampered by US-led efforts.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula planned to add poison to a bomb that was used in an assassination attempt that targeted a deputy Saudi interior minister, according to Jaber al Faifi, a member of the terror group. Faifi claimed the poison “can within seconds kill any person wounded by such an explosion.”

AQAP continues attacks on Yemeni troops

Map of Yemen. Click to view. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula continued its attacks on Yemeni security forces today, hitting security forces in strikes in the southern provinces of Abyan and Lahj. In Lahj, four Yemeni solders were killed and six AQAP fighters were wounded, according to Reuters. In Abyan, eight Yemeni soldiers were […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Nasir al Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, is rumored to have been killed in the Dec. 28, 2010 US Predator strike in North Waziristan. The reports are unconfirmed.

Latest Predator strike rumor: AQAP’s leader killed in North Waziristan

The latest from the Pakistan rumor mill is that Nasir al Wuhayshi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s top leader, was killed in a Dec. 28, 2010 Predator strike in North Waziristan. From The Associated Press (CNN-IBN is also reporting this): Nasir al Wahishi, a Yemeni national who reportedly served as an aide of al-Qaida […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula claimed it conducted 49 attacks in Yemen during the second half of 2010. AQAP said it targeted security forces and political figures, and carried out operations in five of Yemen’s provinces.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced the death of Abu Hammam Qahtani in a statement released on jihadist forums. Qahtani founded the Malahim Media Foundation, AQAP’s propaganda arm.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al Quso, a top operational commander of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, dispelled reports of his death by a Predator strike in North Waziristan by granting an interview with Al Sharq al Awsat. Quso has been indicted by the US for his role in the suicide attack on the USS Cole […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the suicide attack that killed 23 Houthi rebels in the Yemeni north, including its leader Badruddin al Houthi. AQAP said the attack was carried out by Abu Aisha al-Sanaani al Hashemi.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

In a statement released on jihadist forums, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out last week’s suicide attack against Shia Houthi rebels during a procession in northern Yemen. Seventeen people were killed in the suicide attack.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said it would continue to attempt to carry out low-cost, small-scale attacks against the US, particularly against aviation companies. “We will continue with similar operations and we do not mind at all in this stage if they are intercepted,” AQAP said in the latest release of Inspire magazine. “To […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula denied its operatives were plotting to attack pilgrims during the hajj to Mecca and Medina. “Al Saud’s desperate attempt to stamp out the mujahideen has made them fabricate lies,” AQAP said in a statement responding to the Saudi interior minister.

Ex-Gitmo detainee plotted against Saudi kingdom

A former Guantanamo detainee was reportedly involved in plotting against targets in Saudi Arabia in December 2009, two years after he was repatriated to the country. He remains a member of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki, the US-born al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula cleric, called for the murder of US citizens. “Do not consult anyone in killing Americans,” Awlaki said in a videotape released on jihadist forums. “Killing the devil does not need any fatwa.”

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The US cannot confirm if a bomb was responsible for the destruction of a UPS carrier in the UAE on Sept. 3, as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed. The UAE said it is investigating the crash. A court ordered Yemeni security forces to capture Anwar al Awlaki.

AQAP claims responsibility for cargo planes plot

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released a statement on Friday claiming responsibility for the two package bombs found on board cargo planes in late October. The Saudis supplied the intelligence that was used to disrupt the plot, but US officials doubt the official Saudi story.

AQAP claims parcel plot, downing of UPS flight

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula recently released a statement on jihadist forums taking credit for the recent parcel bomb plot. Interestingly enough, AQAP also claimed it detonated a UPS plane over Dubai on Sept. 3, and accused the Obama administration of hiding the attack. From the AQAP statement, which was obtained by LWJ: We […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

In a statement released on jihadist forums, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the foiled parcel bomb plot as well as the downing of a UPS flight over Dubai in September. “We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

YouTube has begun to remove hundreds of sermons and other videos made by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula cleric Anwar al Awlaki. YouTube began removing the videos after the parcel airline bomb plot from Yemen was discovered.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Jabber al Fayfi reportedly provided the information that led to the discovery of the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula terrorism plot that involved bombs placed on cargo aircraft. Fayfi was transferred from Yemen to Saudi Arabia two weeks ago.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Ibrahim Hassan al Asiri, a wanted al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative from Saudi Arabia, is believed to have built one of the bombs in the parcel bomb plot uncovered two days ago. Hanan Al-Samawi, a female engineering student at Sana’a University, and her mother were detained by Yemeni police in connection to the […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki, the US-born cleric and recruiter for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, appeared on a short videotape produced by the Al Malahim Foundation, AQAP’s propaganda arm. Awlaki urged Muslims to wage jihad and criticized “the Yemeni corrupt religious scholars who are run by the government or political opposition parties.”