Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki’s son said he hoped ‘”to attain martyrdom as my father attained it” just before he was killed in a US Predator airstrike, according to a Yemeni journalist. Nasser al Awlaki, Anwar’s father, denied he supports terrorism.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The military said 19 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including two Somalis, an Algerian, and an Egyptian, were killed in fighting near Zinjibar. “Gunmen” kidnapped two foreigners and their driver in Lahj province.

Terror plot foiled in NYC

Jose Pimentel sympathized with al Qaeda and plotted to use pipe bombs to attack police stations, post offices, and soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced that it will release a video documenting the life of Anwar al Awalki. The video will include a statement from Awlaki called “Message for the American people.”

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Yemeni troops claimed to have killed 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in clashes near Zinjibar, the provincial capital of Abyan. Yemeni security forces claimed 10 other AQAP fighters were killed during the two previous days.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US counterterrorism forces are hunting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Nasir al Wuhayshi and senior bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri. Their profiles have been raised since Anwar al Awlaki was killed in a Predator strike.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed that Ibrahim al Bana was not killed in a Predator strike in southern Yemen two weeks ago that killed Anwar al Awlaki’s son. Bana is a media emir for AQAP.

AQAP claims media emir is alive

Ansar al Sharia, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, said that Ibrahim al Bana was not killed in the strike that killed Anwar al Awlaki’s son.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

A senior police commander was killed in a car bombing in the southern port city of Aden. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has stepped up attacks in the city, which is said to be under siege.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is said to have regained control of Zinjibar; at least on soldier was killed and seven more were captured. Twenty people were killed during clashes between pro- and anti-government forces in Sana’a.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki’s family condemned the US’s killing of his son, Abdulrahman, in an airstrike last week. The family said Abdulrahman was a 16-year-old American citizen and was searching his father, not to wage jihad. The family also denied Anwar was a terrorist and said he was not a member of al Qaeda.