Tag Archives: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

AQAP rebuilding in Jaar?

A Yemeni official cited in an account by the Yemen Times earlier this month said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is rebuilding its presence in Jaar after losing control of the city.

Al Qaeda

Echoes of Iraq: Yemen’s War Against al-Qaeda Takes a Familiar Turn

Al Qaeda

FBI official: Hasan should have been interviewed on e-mails with radical cleric

Ex-Guantanamo detainee surrenders to Saudis

Sayegh.JPGAn ex-Gitmo detainee named Adnan al Sayegh has reportedly turned himself into Saudi authorities. Al Sayegh was a member of al Qaeda’s 55th Arab Brigade, which fought alongside the Taliban in pre-9/11 Afghanistan. He joined al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula after his release from Guantanamo.

Turkish jihadist magazine Islamic World published

The third edition of the Turkish-language magazine Islamic World has been published. The main theme is Syria, with the cover bearing the title “Syria, the Land of Patience and Jihad.” The issue features 23 articles on topics including Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Africa, the Caucasus, and Iraq.

AQAP regroups in Abyan province

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reportedly established training camps in the mountains of the Al Mahfad area in the southern Yemeni province of Abyan.