Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham
Violence Reverses Gains in Iraq
Violence Reverses Gains in Iraq
Fearing retribution, Syrian minorities keep low profile in exile
Turkey’s war on al-Qaeda groups in Syria
German intelligence estimates that more than 1,000 Europeans, including 150 Muslims from Kosovo, are fighting against the Assad regime in Syria.
An Israeli Arab said to have been killed in September while fighting alongside the Al Nusrah Front in Syria allegedly called his family today. The person purporting to be Mueid Juma’a did not disclose his current location.
Weapons, fighters flow to Syria’s next battlefront as offensive looms
Sixty-six units in the south split from the FSA and the Syrian National Coalition. One of the brigades has fought with the Al Nusrah Front in the past.
Syria – Rebels and activists fight sectarian strife in south
Jihadists see Syria insurgency as just the beginning of a Middle East revolution
A Japanese man, who is now known as Abu Saskuki al Yabani, is pictured in front of an al Qaeda flag and shown firing a weapon. But the reporter denied he joined the ISIS.
US allies let funds flow to al Qaeda in Syria
Govt to probe training to Syrian rebels: Karzai
Syrian Kurdish Leader Urges Turkey To End Support for Salafists
A Christian soldier in Syria: ‘We have to defend our community’
British spy chief warns Snowden data is a ‘gift’ for terrorists
US fears al-Qaida, radical Islamists could take root in Syria
Syria arms inspectors ‘face unprecedented danger’
Khattab, an Arab-Israeli jihadist in Syria
Ironically, Assad backed the same terrorist groups in Iraq that have now turned on him.
CIA ramping up covert training program for moderate Syrian rebels
Reporting from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights shows that al Qaeda’s two affiliates inside Syria continue to collude despite a leadership dispute that became public in April.
Qaeda Branch in Syria Pursues Its Own Agenda
Islamist Syrian rebels claim to capture crossing on Jordanian border
Al Qaeda’s Al Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant teamed up with the Free Syrian Army’s Yarmouk Brigade to take control of the Daraa border crossing to Jordan.
Has Turkish Foreign Policy Created a ‘Syrian Taliban’?
Several large Free Syrian Army and Islamist brigades as well as the Al Nusrah Front called for the imposition of sharia in Syria and rejected the US-backed Syrian National Coalition.
Al-Qaeda’s Latest Target: Syria’s Civilian Activists
Private donations give edge to Islamists in Syria, officials say
Turkey’s Syria Nightmare Goes From Bad to Worse
The Raqqah Revolutionaries Brigade and the God’s Victory Brigade, two well-known Free Syrian Army units in Raqqah, have pledged loyalty to the Al Nusrah Front over the past several days.