Tag Archives: Al Nusrah Front

US airstrikes target Al Nusrah Front, Islamic State in Syria

Jihadists on Twitter have posted pictures of Al Nusrah Front locations struck in the US bombing campaign in Syria. The strikes are aimed at the so-called Khorasan group, which has been planning attacks against the US and its interests, as well as a number of other targets. Jihadists claim that al Qaeda veterans have been killed in the bombings.

US air war against jihadists in Syria begins

Airstrikes targeted Islamic State command and control centers in Raqqah, the jihadist group’s de facto capital in eastern Syria, as well as arms caches, supply depots, and ground units near the Iraqi border. Also, the US hit al Qaeda’s Khorasan Group near Aleppo.

Al Qaeda branches urge jihadist unity against US

AQAP and AQIM have issued a joint statement encouraging the jihadists in Syria to unite in the face of the American-led opposition. However, the statement should not be read as an indication that they are breaking ranks from al Qaeda. The two groups also offer their condolences for the Ahrar al Sham leaders who were killed earlier this month.

Head of Islamic Front, other senior leaders killed in explosion

The Islamic Front announced today that more than one dozen of its senior leaders were killed in a car bombing in Idlib. Among the slain leaders is Hassan Abboud, who was the leader of Ahrar al Sham and the head of the Islamic Front’s political office. Abboud was especially close to Ayman al Zawahiri’s representative in Syria.