Tag Archives: Afghanistan

Al Qaeda

Jailed doc who helped nail Bin Laden warns Pakistan sees US as ‘worst enemy’


A suicide bomber killed 10 policemen and six civilians in an attack in Kunduz. A police commander and six policemen in Baghlan defected to the Taliban. The Taliban warned clerics in Nangarhar not to give funeral prayers for slain Afghan security personnel.


Pakistani Public Opinion Ever More Critical of US | Pew Global Attitudes Project


The Taliban killed six civilians in Wardak, an ISAF soldier in the south, and a civilian in Farah. Five Afghan security personnel and three Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Helmand. A Haqqani Network commander said captured US soldier Bowe Bergdahl is in the custody of the Quetta Shura.


A suicide bomber killed six Afghans in an attack outside Camp Eggers in Kabul. Two tribal leaders were killed in a bombing in Uruzgan.


Haqqani leader turned network into ‘killing machine,’ intelligence officials say


50% chances of Government collapse after International forces leave Afghanistan: Former British Ambassador to Afghanistan

US adds Haqqani Network to list of terror groups

After pressure from Congress, the State Department finally added the group, which has links to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the Pakistani military and intelligence services, to the US list of foreign terror organizations.


Insider attacks: How US and Afghan troops see the mission now


ISAF killed an an al Qaeda leader and three operatives in an airstrike in Kunar; the leader and two fighters were Pakistanis, another was a Saudi. Two former Taliban leaders and three Pakistanis were detained in Nuristan. The Afghan military took control of security in five districts in Baghlan.