Thirty-six Taliban fighters and 11 Afghan soldiers were killed in clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Three policemen defected to the Taliban in Badghis.
Thirty-six Taliban fighters and 11 Afghan soldiers were killed in clashes throughout the country. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Three policemen defected to the Taliban in Badghis.
In the past month, ISAF has killed or captured four members of the Taliban network that plans and executes the green-on-blue attacks.
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The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. Three former Taliban fighters were gunned down in Faryab. President Karzai urged the Taliban not to interfere in an anti-polio vaccination program.
Karzai appeals Taliban not to hinder anti-polio drive
Decrease of Nato Involvement was Afghan Decision: MOD
Taliban Targeted by Local Uprisings
With the surge of US forces in Afghanistan over and a pause in partnered operations, American policy is in disarray.
Russia bolsters influence in Kyrgyzstan as US nears airbase exit
US troops in Afghanistan return to pre-surge levels: Defence official
Afghanistan says Pakistani shelling risks negative consequences
A suicide bomber killed a policeman and a child in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured two Taliban fighters behind the beheadings of two policemen in Baghlan, and killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Khost, and Balkh.
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Ex-Commander in Afghanistan in Line for Top Africa Post
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A suicide bomber killed two policemen in Herat. More than 1,000 Taliban fighters attacked police in Nuristan; a Taliban commander and eight fighters, as well as a policeman, were reportedly killed. Security forces captured the IMU’s leader for Kunduz and four fighters. Twenty-four Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Nangarhar.
Afghanistan: Surrendering rebels say Pakistan, Iran aided them
Afghanistan – Some governors reshuffled, others sacked
Afghanistan – Disbelief at Hezb-e-Islami Using Female Bomber
The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader directed the group’s operations in the northern Afghan province, and provided training and direction for IED attacks against Coalition and Afghan forces.
Coalition Sharply Reduces Joint Operations With Afghan Troops
NATO order changes way it will fight Afghan war
Analysis: NATO pullback heightens doubts about Afghan strategy
A female suicide bomber from Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin killed 12 people in Kabul. A suicide bomber wounded three US soldiers in Kunar. The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Herat. ISAF captured a Taliban leader involved in the assault on Camp Bastion.
The US military also announced that the Harrier squadron commander was one of the two Marines killed in the suicide assault on Camp Bastion that took out eight strike aircraft.